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I am a life coach and motivational speaker.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

It's A Dogs Life

God created all creatures, large and small. From the tiniest amoeba to the largest giraffe. In between, he created Man. While he created us with the ability to think, and reason, are we really on the top of his hierarchy? The other day I was looking at my dog and realized that maybe domesticated house pets are on the top of the list. Think about it. Every day I go to work and spend eight hours a day toiling at a somewhat pleasant job, to be able to have a decent quality of life. A roof over my head, clothes on my back and food in my stomach. Not to mention any occasional luxuries. Then I look at Shelby, the namesake of this blog. This is his daily routine: he sleep in his soft microfiber bed, until he hears breakfast being served. Then he gets up, stretches and saunters over to his food bowl. After eating, he walks downstairs to the back door and looks at me with his big brown eyes, waiting to be walked. I put on his color coordinated leash, and when it is raining out, his matching raincoat, with the slightly turned up and very fashionable fleece turtle neck. He scampers around the yard, relieves himself, and chases a few birds. He then sniffs the lawn, and we go in the house. I leave for work and he goes to look out the front window and be the neighborhood watch. When he gets a bit tired, he fluffs up a couch pillow and lays his head down for a nap. All this while I am at the office. When I get home, he eats again and then brings me a toy for a small game of catch. When I finally sit down, he crawls onto my lap to watch television and be petted, kissed and hugged. His total existence depends on me. He has never worked a day in his life, but he reaps all of the benefits. In my next life, I want to be Shelby!

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