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I am a life coach and motivational speaker.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Shake, Rattle and Roll

There was an Earthquake in New York yesterday afternoon. It is a rare event, although not unprecedented. I can remember only 2 others, in my lifetime. Once in the 1960's, once in 1984. By New York standards, this was substantial. A 5.8 on the Richter scale. I was in my office when I felt the rumbling. At first I thought that a large truck sped by the building, shaking it. This occasionally happens but to a lesser extent. But this feeling was different. The building swayed. We all stood there stunned, unable to process what we were feeling. It was out of the norm and our brains had no prior reference on how to react. After a very long 30 seconds, we came to the realization that this was an earthquake. Now our minds had to formulate a plan of action. I looked around the room and saw nine people with blank stares on their faces. Frozen. I thought to myself that if this building, which is made of glass, shatters and falls, I will be dead. I grabbed my pocketbook and my Tupperware that had contained my lunch and told everyone I was not going to stand in here and be crushed. Thank god I had the sense to rescue the Tupperware. It was a new one and deserved to live. As soon as I ran out, everyone else followed me. Slowly the entire building evacuated. As did the others on the Boulevard. Later in the day, I heard on the radio, that the safest place to stand in an earthquake is in the door jam. Do not go outside. That makes no sense to me. If the building goes down I do not want to be like the wicked witch, in the Wizard of Oz, with her feet sticking out of the doorway.

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