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I am a life coach and motivational speaker.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Two x Two

I received an email the other day and it was very thought provoking. It was about how much it costs to pay for someones yearly welfare bill. The numbers were staggering. Not because of the amount of money it takes to feed, clothe and provide for living quarters. I am talking about the amount of people in each family that the states are paying for. I know that due to circumstances, people need public assistance. But there also should be a plan in place to get the people off of the welfare rolls. Here is where the email comes in. It seems that while on welfare, families are continuing to have children. It is not my business how many children you have, but it is my business when I am helping to pay for them. I go to work every day and pay the taxes towards your monthly welfare expenses. I have an idea. If you sign up for welfare, the number of people in your family receiving the benefits needs to be capped. If you have 2 children, we pay for you and the two children. If you choose to have 4 more children, we still pay for you and two children. Divide the portions a bit smaller. Like I do. If you do not work, do not multiply.

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