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I am a life coach and motivational speaker.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

The Value Of Time

No one values of other peoples' time. Especially doctors. Right now I am livid. A 2:30pm eye doctors appointment is now over 2 hours late. Why does a fifteen minute appointment need to be two hours late. In my world 2:30 means 2:30. Not 4:30. Why do we put up with such nonsense? If I am late to the train, it pulls away without me. If I am late to a show, the show goes on. Where else can a person book 6 people within one hour, allotting a half hour for each? That means cramming 3 hours of time into 1 hour. No matter how you cut it, it won't fit. It is like putting toothpaste back into the tube. It gets ugly. We need to revolt and make a stand. We need to dock the doctor. That's right, dock the doctor. Minus $1 per minute for each minute we are made to wait. If it goes over 60, he will owe us $1 per minute. This will be called the "reverse dockage". I know this sounds irrational, but maybe that's what is needed. The same idea should apply to the phone company and furniture delivery trucks.

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