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I am a life coach and motivational speaker.

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Evolution of Man

Man evolved from the monkeys. Some people believe that theory and others do not. What evolution refers to is the survival of the fittest. Fittest does not mean strongest, it means those who can get through a situation the best. With today's problems, survival of the fittest is entwined with selfishness of the few. It is instinctive to want to protect your family and loved ones first. That is only natural. When protecting yourself infringes on allowing other people to protect themselves, that is where we see human nature at its worst. When people want to profit at the expense of someone else, I feel disgusted. This morning I read an article about two brothers from Tennessee who cleaned out the area's supply of hand sanitizer. They purchased almost 18,000 bottles from every store that had it, to sell at a profit to the people who need it. After posting them on Amazon for up to $70 for a $1 bottle, Amazon and eBay suspended their accounts. Now they are stuck with 18,000 bottles and nowhere to sell them. That means 18,000 families that would want to have 1 bottle, go without. How shameful. Now the problem is that they have spent over $20,000 on an item that is useless to them. They would have to sell it on the street to get rid of it and that is also illegal. It serves them right but at the expense of innocent people.

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