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I am a life coach and motivational speaker.

Monday, December 10, 2012


I am tired of eating the same foods. Day after day, nothing new, nothing exciting. Years ago some of my friends wanted to do a recipe swap. Each person would write down a few of their favorite dishes and give it to the rest of the group. After much talk, we never did it. I guess we would have liked it better if someone just cooked the dishes and gave it to each other. I decided to look at some cook books to get a few fresh ideas. In the first book, an interesting recipe started off with "parchment paper". I quickly moved onto the next page. If I read the ingredients and they are not things I have in my house, I lose interest. Last night, I opened up my refrigerator and stared at the contents to see if I could create a new dish. I took out croissants, eggs, cheese, corn, zucchini, shallots and asparagus. I pulled apart the croissants and lined a baking dish with them. I pushed them down to make it like a crust. I sauteed all of the veggies. I mixed the eggs and cheese, threw in the veggies and then dumped it onto the croissant crust. I baked it for 45 minutes. It turned out to be one of the best dishes I ever made. Who needs parchment paper when you have day old croissants.

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