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I am a life coach and motivational speaker.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018


We all have a different sense of what smells good to us. For the holidays, I bought a bulb plant for my boss. When I brought it home it looked like a bunch of scallions. I watered it every day for two weeks and it grew 5 inches and began to flower. When it did, it gave off the worst smell. To me it smelled like a putrid plant. I could hardly take the smell and couldn't wait until yesterday when I could bring it to work and give it away. I left it on her desk and the room filled with the stench. An hour later when my boss came in, she saw the plant and told me that it had the most wonderful perfume smell. She loved it. She said that it filled the room with a beautiful smell. I guess that we all have our sense of what smells nice to us. What I thought was disgusting, she thought was fantastic.

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