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I am a life coach and motivational speaker.

Sunday, November 13, 2016


The word "comply" is defined as "to act or be in accordance with wishes, requests, demands, requirements and conditions". Cut and dry, simply said. When I see the political rallies that claim discrimination, the word "comply" pops into my mind. Every life on earth matters equally. Every single ones does. Some professions put theirs on the line for yours and get vilified for it. Life has rules. Imagine playing a board game without rules. Even better, imagine playing with two other people and breaking the rules. If the dice says move one space and you think that you are entitled to move three, the other players will not be happy. The game is ruined because you did not comply. There are some cases where things go astray and that is unconscionable. I am talking about the ones that are manipulated into problems. Ask yourself these questions:
1) If a police officer says stop, what do you do?
2) If a police office says to show your hands so he can see them and know that you have no weapon, so his life is not in jeopardy, what do you do? 
3) If others are burning and looting a town, what do you do?
My answers would be: 1) Stop, 2) Raise my hands as high as I can, 3) Not join the crowd and get to safety.
Other people's answers have been: 1) Run away, 2) Put my hands into my pockets and come at the officer so he has no idea if I am armed and this might be his last moments alive 3) Break store windows, take out televisions, then burn down the town that I live in. I know I sound harsh, but life is made of rules and the rules are there to keep us safe and alive. Now that the election is done, people need to evaluate their behavior and see that rules, if followed, make a nation safe.

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