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I am a life coach and motivational speaker.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Hear Ye

As I am getting older, the people around me are telling me that I am speaking too softly. After months of talking louder, I realized that the reason that I am not being heard is because the people surrounding me are losing their hearing. As hard as it is to believe, my friends are either close to or already in their 60's. This is the age where our bodies change. We coasted along since puberty and now our parts are getting worn. For the past few weeks, I have been telling two people to go to the ear doctor and have their hearing checked as I will no longer repeat myself ten times nor shout. One of them found out that they have a 30% hearing loss and the other found out that there was a wax buildup the size of a marble blocking the ear canal. Finally, I will no longer have to shout and can give my vocal chords a rest.

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