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I am a life coach and motivational speaker.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013


There has been a lot of concern over the past few weeks regarding the Affordable Health Care Act, also known as Obamacare. I call it Obama Doesn't Care. Prior to the election I tried to tell people that the healthcare system would change for the worse if Obama was elected. I vividly remember the Democrats saying, "Just vote the plan in now and we will read it later". Really? I wouldn't sign up for a cell phone without knowing what I was signing. No one wanted to read the 20,000 page bill, so they voted on it with ignorance. Now we are living the ramifications of their actions. The reality of it hit home for a few of my friends this week. Two of my doctors are applying for Medicaid. Yes, doctor's applying for Medicaid! One other doctor is being thrown off of his wife's plan and forced to be on his own employer's plan. That will cost him an extra $5000 a year. He was so upset, but has no alternative. I have another friend whose doctor is dropping out of all insurance plans and becoming a "concierge" doctor. Concierge medicine is when a doctor accepts no insurance, but charges a monthly membership fee for his services. Her doctor wants $199 a month and for that price she will get unlimited visits, his cell phone number for 24/7 access and a gym membership. I am not kidding. Of course she will find a new doctor as she is not going to pay for health insurance and a concierge doctor. This week Obama apologized for making promises he could not keep. What does an apology do for the people that his broken promises affected?

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