About Me

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I am a life coach and motivational speaker.

Sunday, April 30, 2017


I have been trying to set up a new website. Actually, I am trying to set up two. One is a regular .com and the other is Etsy. I have been making inspirational bracelets that people seem to love. The people that have them wear them constantly. This is a totally unique design and I have no idea how I even came up with it, but I did. I want to sell them privately, but nowadays with any product you make you need a website also. If you don't, it seems odd. So for the past two days, I have been listing the 25 different bracelets onto the web. At times it has been frustrating, but once it is done it remains forever.

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Wire Gauge

I have been making jewelry for the past few months and noticed that wire gauge numbers seem to be opposite of what I thought they would be. If a wire gauge is 12 and another wire gauge is 20 which would you think is thicker? I would have chosen 20. It is just the opposite. The higher the number the thinner the wire. What is the rationale for that? It is the same thing with blood levels for Coumadin. The lower the number the thicker the blood. I guess some variables are topsy turvy.

Friday, April 28, 2017


A good vocabulary is a wonderful thing to have. It can change the tone of verbal and written encounters. If you are not that steady on what you are saying, big words make other's think you know what is going on. A well written letter can persuade someone into your way of thinking. I always had a strong vocabulary. My children also have it. Now I see that it is being passed down to my grandchildren. Last night my grandson was explaining that his oatmeal had "congealed" after it sat too long in the bowl. He then explained the difference between a urinal and a toilet. We talked non stop for 3 hours and every word that came out of his mouth made sense. I told him a few new words and explained the meanings of them. He repeated each word and I am sure that they are now in his memory bank. He is my little "word sponge".

Thursday, April 27, 2017

What You Ask For

There is a saying, "Be careful what you ask for, you might get it". After weeks of upset, my boss broke down and hired Dr. Farbissiner's old assistant. I was not happy but I always say that if you do not have my last name or my blood running through your veins, I do not really care. She will finally get what she asked for, but under my terms. The woman will start today with a lecture of how I am her supervisor and what I say goes because she is on my boss's payroll. I have set her up in a 4' x 4' office in the back. She is far away from my front office and farther away from Dr. F. She will be all alone in a hole doing work the way I say she has to. All of the forms she used to use are gone and the ones I use have replaced them. She will conduct business as I tell her to without any room for discussion. My way or the highway. The friendly me that she met 4 months ago is now the cold business woman who will take no slip ups. If there are any, she will be written up. She will get the job she wanted but not in the way she wanted it.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Happily Unhappy

I am slowly coming to the realization that some people will never be happy. Maybe being chronically unhappy makes them happy. They must be getting something out of their unhappiness or otherwise they would change. Yesterday was the last straw on the camel's back for me as far as hiring an assistant for Dr. Farbissiner.  If you are not familiar with the word farbissiner, it means sullen, mean or embittered. There is no pleasing this woman. After she insulted three of my staff to their faces, we tried a last ditch effort to hire someone she would like. I interviewed a wonderful woman with 26 consecutive years as an executive administrative assistant in a college. She was smart, friendly, tech savvy and all around great. My boss loved her, but Dr. Farbissiner brought her negative energy into the meeting and soured things. After the interview the applicant asked to speak with me. She told me that she loved me and my boss but the other doctor was not impressed with her. She said that she never had that response from anyone. She said she would love to work for me and my boss but she could tell that the other doctor was unhappy with herself so she could never be happy with anyone else. I agreed. This morning I will find out what my boss's impression of the meeting was and if we could still hire this woman. As far as pleasing Dr Farbissiner, my attitude is "stick a fork in me, I am done".

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Age and Respect

I am beginning to see a pattern in my office regarding age and respect. I have come to realize that the new doctor talks down to the young staff. It is obvious that she does not respect them and it shows in her tone. I got a call last night from one of the new girls who was afraid she was going to be fired. I assured her that she was not. The new doctor asked her to do something that we never do and it was not that the girl refused to do it, it  was that she had no idea how to do it. The doctor then said that if you cannot do these things for me I will not have you work for me. I assured the girl that the doctor was not the one to fire her and just ignore her outburst. Yesterday I interviewed a woman in her 60's that was smart, nice and very competent. She is retired but wants a part time job. She was an executive school secretary for 26 years. She was nice but no nonsense. After I described the job opening to her she asked if she could  sum up what I was saying. She then said, "What you are saying is that the new doctor needs someone to hold her hand and guide her through this transition because she is scared of the new surroundings". Wow, she hit the nail on the head. I am setting up a second interview for her with my boss and hopefully things go well. I do not think that the new doctor will disrespect an older more established woman.

Monday, April 24, 2017

Out of Town

Yesterday I went out of state to my niece's fifth birthday party. Getting in the car and driving early in the morning felt like we were going out of town for a vacation. The children's party was fun and after that we went to my niece's house for the afternoon for more food and more fun. The weather was so nice that we sat in her backyard while her children played. It was relaxing to be outdoors sitting in the sun in a countrylike setting. Even though it was only for a day, my head felt clear of all of the other responsibilities that had been weighing it down.

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Puppy Love

Some people love animals. Others do not. I am an in between person. I only love my animals. Even though I love Shelby, I do not have him around people that do not care for dogs. My rule is that people come before puppies. Last night we went to a friend's house who has a dog that is a biter. They did not want to upset the dog by putting him in another room so most of the evening was spent trying to talk over the piercing bark of a poodle. Most of the conversation was about the dog. It was a pleasant evening, but after a few hours my head began to hurt. Next time the dog should be tranquilized prior to people entering the house.

Saturday, April 22, 2017


Yesterday, I did not have much to do so I sat at the computer thinking of things to look up. I decided to look up Yiddish proverbs. I must have scrolled through hundreds of them. Some made me think and some made me laugh out loud. Some I had heard before and are commonly known. Others I read for the first time. It is amazing how a few words can speak volumes. Here are two of the funny ones: "He should turn into a chandelier and hang all day then burn all night" and "His stomach should turn so bad that he runs to the bathroom every three minutes... or every three months". They are even funnier when spoken in Yiddish. My family has a few of these saying that we have used for years. They never get old.

Friday, April 21, 2017


I have been interviewing prospective employees for 14 years and I ask the same questions in every interview. For some reason this time around I am getting the weirdest applicants. I have learned that while I cannot ask if someone is pregnant, I can stare at their stomach area. I might just ask them to do a spin in front of me so I can get a good look. Yesterday I interviewed a nice woman who was in her late 40's. As the interview was wrapping up she mentioned that she got here in pretty good timing, only 45 minutes. I asked where she was from and her location was about 15 minutes away. I asked if there was traffic. She said that she took the bus. I asked if she drove and she said yes but her husband has the car. I told her that this job is until 8pm and at night it is a desolate area. She would be standing alone in the dark at a bus stop. She said she never thought about that. Now I need to ask if someone has transportation. Back to the drawing board.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

A Kind Word

Sometimes all it takes is a kind word to turn a person's day around. One of my receptionists has been having a hard time with our new doctor. The girl is the sweetest person I have ever met. She has a kind way with everyone she speaks to. She does a great job. While it may take her a few times to understand a request that a doctor gives her, once she understands it she will do it perfectly from that point on. The new doctor has no patience with her and has decided to hate her. I do not think she liked her from the moment she saw her. The girl is stunningly beautiful and some people find that intimidating. Maybe this doctor was an outcast at school and has a vendetta against the pretty "cool" girls. Her nastiness is getting to the receptionist and she is making mistakes due to the stress of trying so hard to please someone. Yesterday I made a bracelet for her that says, "I am beautiful, awesome and talented. I am simply the best at being me". She almost cried when she saw it because I was validating all of the good in her. Just those few words made a huge difference in her day.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017


Sometimes what you see is not really what is happening. That is what is scary about being an eyewitness. The events are up to interpretation. Yesterday I was speaking to my boss when she told me that the new doctor informed her that patients were leaving without paying and that patients were being ignored when they walked in and that concerned her. I see that she has money insecurities and is scrutinizing things that she shouldn't. I told my boss that everyone paid that day and even made a copy of the checks and credit cards so she could show the new "kvetch" that everything was fine. It seems that what she thought she witnessed is not what happened. We have a system in our office that works for everyone. Most of our patients are there weekly, if not daily. They walk in the door, make eye contact and sit down. That is the way they like it. They all have credit cards on file so as they arrive we charge the card. In essence, the patient is checked in and charged with minimal contact. It makes them feel better thinking that we know them well and do not have to be formal about the visit. The doctor was so intent on finding fault, that she didn't see that the system flowed. Instead she had to make waves, start a conversation, have me copy records and have my boss spend an hour meeting with her to explain what she has been told ten times already. She upset everyone in her path. All for wrong information.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Happy Birthday, Little Man

Today is my grandson's fourth birthday. I remember the day he was born with every tiny detail. I remember exactly where I was on my ride to work when my son frantically called me. The baby was not due until mid June, but he had other plans. He needed to be out in the world nine weeks early. He was born 3 1/2 pounds but he was a fighter. After 30 days in the NICU he came home, a happy, healthy baby. It was a slow road getting him to where he is today and if you saw him you would have no idea that he was born premature. The happiness I get from my three grandchildren is immense. Each one has special qualities that are unique to them. I am truly blessed.

Monday, April 17, 2017


My friend's father had a saying, "If you don't want it published, don't write it down". I thought of it this weekend when I received a strange email from our newest doctor. She sent me an email accusing me of not returning a new patient phone call. Her mistake was that she attached the email from that person. The person clearly said that she contacted Northwell's psychiatry office and no one returned her call. She never contacted my office as I call everyone back within 24 hours. The doctor went on to say that she is losing business because important calls are not being returned. I responded by writing that if she rereads the email she will see that she read it wrong. Northwell was to blame. I told her that she should email them and let them know that they need to be more diligent, like I am. I forwarded the email to my boss who was fuming when she got it as she loves her office staff and does not like anyone being unkind to us. I have decided that this new doctor is a disease that needs to be cut out. There is something seriously wrong with her and the scary part is that she treats people for mental illness.

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Happy Easter

Happy Easter to everyone, even if you do not celebrate it. My grandchildren and daughter in laws do and I have joined in the happiness. Any holiday that makes you smile and comes with a happy feeling is worth celebrating. I have made Easter baskets and done egg hunts.  I would not miss out on any of this. I have learned that all holidays are worth celebrating and being open to other religions only makes me a better person.

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Party Time

This afternoon is my grandson's fourth birthday party. It looks like it will be a nice sunny day. His actual birthday is next week. He will have an Easter egg hunt, a pinata and some fun games to entertain the children. I cannot believe that my two oldest grandchildren are four years old. I never remember a time without them. In just a few weeks my younger granddaughter will turn one. Time has flown by.

Friday, April 14, 2017


This morning I got up and wanted to reorder an item that was on a closeout sale last week. It was a $5 item that was on sale for $1 with a limited amount for sale of 58. Last week I ordered 15 because I did not know if they would be good and I figured I would take a $15 loss if they were not. They arrived yesterday and I loved them. I wanted to order some more and when I went to place the reorder, the closeout limited price was gone and replaced by the full price. Maybe since I ordered so many they thought that the item might not be bad and they raised the price again. Of course I did not reorder them. Nothing in this world is so proprietary that it cannot be replaced by another similar product. I will keep checking the website to see it they lower the price again and if they do I will purchase more.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Cement Stomach

I feel like there is a ball of cement in my belly. I am not alone. This week millions of people are walking slower due to this affliction. It is called matzo-itis. You get this once a year when you eat matzo at least twice a day. Although it is delicious, especially with tons of butter applied to it, it takes its toll in the long run.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017


Yesterday I fired one of the new girls I hired. In the afternoon, I received a call from the other new girl. She started off the conversation by saying, "I am not sure if you noticed...". I was waiting for her to say what was wrong but I was not ready for what I heard. The end of her sentence was, "that I am pregnant". I was furious. She did not look pregnant so I asked her how far along she was. She said six months but she was carrying small. If I knew she was pregnant I never would have hired her. Now, since we live in such a politically correct world, I am stuck. I told her that I was not happy with her and that she deceived me by omitting important information. It was her responsibility to be truthful. I cannot ask a new employee to pee on a stick before I hire them. She said she would work until the end of the pregnancy and then be back after a month. She said she really wants this job and that her husband will take care of the baby while she works. I took a minute to regroup. I asked her who she thought would be sitting at the front desk when she was out for a month? She had no answer. I said that while I am happy for her having a baby, I am running a business. I informed her that her hours are now being cut to 8 a week instead of 15 and a new person will be hired to do the job she was supposed to. She seemed disappointed but I told her that this is what happens when you are not upfront about a situation. No matter how good or how nice she is, I will never trust her. She did the wrong thing and I do not easily forget.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Square One

I am back to square one. This morning I will fire one of the receptionists that was hired last week. The second day of her job, she said that she had another commitment and could not come in. I was not happy but gave her the benefit of the doubt. Last night she called the office to say that she would not be able to come in today but could come in tomorrow. What she did not realize was that I do not run a baseball team. I do not give three strikes for you to be out. I give two and she used them up. Years ago I would have felt bad making this call but now I feel that I am teaching her a life lesson. A job comes along with responsibility. Cut and dry. If you are slacking off on the first week what will happen on the fourth? I explain to all new hires that I can teach them anything, but I cannot teach a good work ethic. That is up to them.

Monday, April 10, 2017

Miss My Sis

Once a year, on the Easter break, my sister goes on a cruise. It is the one week of the year that she has no communication with the family. Cell service and email is an extra expense and she does not opt for it. Normally whenever she travels we keep in touch daily. In our family, vacation does not mean that you lose touch. Yesterday, she called me up until the point that the ship left the dock. She told me that she would miss speaking to me and gave me instructions on how to "hold down the fort" if her family needed me. I hope the week flies by as I feel like I am missing an appendage.

Sunday, April 9, 2017


Question: At what age do you stop parenting your child? Answer: Never. No matter how old we are we are still parents. We still feel the need to have input in our children's lives even if it is about minutia. Yesterday my husband told my son to put on a jacket. My son's response was that he was an adult and knows whether or not he is cold. If he needed a jacket he would put one on. When I speak to my parents and I tell them I am driving somewhere, they always tell me to be careful. My response is that I am always careful. Why would they think I would be reckless? I am lucky to say that I am the parent and I am the child. I understand both points of view and both are valid.

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Falling Into Place

I came across a saying that I love. I love it so much that I made a bracelet around it. I wear it to remind me that we cannot always question the events that happen in our lives. The saying is , "Sometimes when things are falling apart, they are actually falling into place". At one point or another our lives take a different path than we intended. We feel like our world is crumbling beneath our feet. Then things settle down and reinvent themselves into bigger and better. We look back and realize that things are meant to be and we do not always see the big picture when we are standing in the center of it.

Friday, April 7, 2017

The Frugal Rich

Why is it that rich people are cheap and poor people will give you the shirt off of their back? The newest doctor in my office had to host a lecture for some of her colleagues. Usually the dinner and snacks are paid for by someone else but this time it was her responsibility. She asked what food was the cheapest. We told her pizza and a salad was the least expensive she could go. She had us order 2 pizzas and a medium size salad. When she came in for the meeting she had a bowl of fruit that she made at home and 2 small bottles of seltzer. The fruit bowl contained a pint of blueberries and a pint of strawberries. The bowl was large so the fruit looked sparse. It looked cheap. When any of us bring in food we go overboard and have enough for three days. She had just enough, hopefully. I have no idea how much her salary is but I would guess mid six figures. She could have bought a fruit bowl from the supermarket for $25. It would not have killed her.

Thursday, April 6, 2017

New Best Friend

There are two types of best friends. There are the kind that have been around forever and go through lifes ups and downs with you. Then there are the ones you meet to help guide you through a problem. They are with you until the problem ends, then they are off to help other people. The real term for them is "Customer Service Associate", but at the time when they are helping you they really feel like your best friend. They help with medical bills, appointments that are hard to get, accounts that have errors and much more. While you are on the phone with them a quick bond is established because you know that for that fleeting moment in time they have your best interest at heart. They are your best friend for a short time, but their helping hand lasts much longer.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

No Comparison

A smart person never compares people, at least not to their face. It is especially unfair to compare when the variables are not the same. Yesterday our new doctor compared my receptionist to her old one with the snide remark of, "If "Miss X" was here, this would never have happened". Her Miss X took care of only her on a one to one basis. My receptionist is taking care of 13 doctors all at once. A one on one can never be compared to a thirteen on one. My receptionist was almost about to cry. She is the most hard working competent worker I have ever seen and to diminish her work is wrong on so many levels. Since the new doctor thinks that we are not good enough for her, she is being told today to hire her own person at her expense. The free ride is over.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Southern Charm

After interviewing five people yesterday, I hired a young lady for one of the job openings. She has a full time job that is across the street from my office. This would be a second job so she can save more money for a down payment on a house that she wants to purchase. She was well spoken and very proper. She must have Southern roots because she kept saying the word "Miss" before my name. In the South that is they way someone younger than you shows respect. She also referred to me as "Ma'am". It sounded so charming. When I introduced her to my bookkeeper she also called her "Miss". Being the tough talker that she is, my bookkeeper said, "You do not have to call me Miss". The young lady responded, "Okay Ma'am" to which my bookkeeper answered, "Stop being so formal". I said that I thought those expressions were so nice in a world that can be so mean. I think that this woman will be a great addition to my office.

Monday, April 3, 2017

Well Informed

The internet age has made us well informed. Sometimes too well informed. My sister woke up this morning to an email letting her know that my parents in Florida had a blackout during the night. Florida Power and Lighting sent it to her email address. My parents are still sleeping, totally unaware that their lights went out over night. It might have only been for a few minutes but that could mean that they have to reset their clocks. When I call then this morning I will ask them to check everything out and fix what needs to be fixed.

Sunday, April 2, 2017


What constitutes a "bad" word and who decided it? How does a single letter make the other letters in the word turn unacceptable? The word "suck" means to draw something up. When it is used in that context it is fine. If a child says they need a straw to suck up chocolate milk, we give them a straw. If a child says "You suck" the same word can lead to being punished. Take the "S" and substitute an "F" and all "heck" breaks loose. Why is the "F" such a powerful letter to put in front of the "uck" The "P" doesn't have that power, neither does the "L". In fact the "L" in front of the "uck" is wonderful. We all like that word. Poor "F". To be ostracized for just being itself.

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Spring Has Not Sprung

I know it is spring. The calendar says so. Too bad Mother Nature was not let in on it. It feels like winter. For the past few days it has been cold and wet. I am still wearing my winter coat and have been tempted to wear gloves. The winter temperatures felt like spring. Thank goodness that there was minimal snow this year. I guess I have no choice but to wait it out until the warm weather appears.