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I am a life coach and motivational speaker.

Monday, April 17, 2017


My friend's father had a saying, "If you don't want it published, don't write it down". I thought of it this weekend when I received a strange email from our newest doctor. She sent me an email accusing me of not returning a new patient phone call. Her mistake was that she attached the email from that person. The person clearly said that she contacted Northwell's psychiatry office and no one returned her call. She never contacted my office as I call everyone back within 24 hours. The doctor went on to say that she is losing business because important calls are not being returned. I responded by writing that if she rereads the email she will see that she read it wrong. Northwell was to blame. I told her that she should email them and let them know that they need to be more diligent, like I am. I forwarded the email to my boss who was fuming when she got it as she loves her office staff and does not like anyone being unkind to us. I have decided that this new doctor is a disease that needs to be cut out. There is something seriously wrong with her and the scary part is that she treats people for mental illness.

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