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I am a life coach and motivational speaker.

Friday, April 28, 2017


A good vocabulary is a wonderful thing to have. It can change the tone of verbal and written encounters. If you are not that steady on what you are saying, big words make other's think you know what is going on. A well written letter can persuade someone into your way of thinking. I always had a strong vocabulary. My children also have it. Now I see that it is being passed down to my grandchildren. Last night my grandson was explaining that his oatmeal had "congealed" after it sat too long in the bowl. He then explained the difference between a urinal and a toilet. We talked non stop for 3 hours and every word that came out of his mouth made sense. I told him a few new words and explained the meanings of them. He repeated each word and I am sure that they are now in his memory bank. He is my little "word sponge".

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