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I am a life coach and motivational speaker.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Just One Item....

At the inception of our country we were self sustainable. We built this country through the hard work and sweat of our fore fathers. Everything was made in America. Our textiles were milled in the South, our furniture was also crafted there. Produce came from western and southern states, all depending on the time of year. Cars were manufactured in Detroit. We grew it, we crafted it and we distributed it. America was a full circle country. The Garment Center in New York City was a booming industry. If you are over 50 years old, you know what ILGWU stands for. International Ladies Garment Worker's Union. You probably even know the trademark jingle..."Look for the Union Label". The label meant the the article of clothing you bought was not only made in America but was also Union made. Years ago unions were strong and the union workers were united. That blue and white label that hung from our clothes represented pride in our country. Somewhere along the way industry leaders thought that if we made our products elsewhere, we would profit more. That was the beginning of the end....global outsourcing. Build up someone elses' economy and make more money. The only thing is, we outsourced Americans out of jobs and killed our nations industry. Now we can no longer afford to make goods here. When I call an 800 customer service number for a large American Company, I am connected to Bombay. It is a rarity to hear an American voice at the other end of the line. The next time you are standing on line buying something, look to see where it was made. If it was not made in America put it down and look for an alternative item that was made in the USA. It might be hard, but be diligent. Maybe we can slowly turn around this economy if we buy just one item........

Friday, April 29, 2011

Is America Leaning.....

Is America leaning so far to the right, we have become wrong. I have to take issue with the word "politically correct". While we all know that common sense tells us to filter out offensive words and actions, being politically correct many times takes it to the extreme. The face of America is slowly changing by being politically correct. It is almost like Big Brother is watching. Certain people can have free reign with what they say and do, while others must carefully monitor each and every syllable that comes out of their mouth. Political correctness is, in essence slowly stripping away many of our rights. This leads to weakness, and I am sure that many of you have noticed that America is not as strong as it used to be in the global world. In the Ronald Regan years, we were a force to be reckoned with. Now, we are barely a force. The other day, I was in the city with my family. We walked past a street vendor. He shouted out to my son "Hey Whitey, want to buy a pocketbook" (By the way, the pocketbooks he was selling were stolen). My son stopped in his tracks and said to me, "did he just call me Whitey?" I saw my son's face as he calculated what would happen to him if he called the street vendor by the color of HIS skin. He thought better of it and walked away, but it bothered him all day. Being politically correct is taking a toll on all of us.

Thursday, April 28, 2011


I have often been told that I am a "person of words". By this I mean that words are very important. Getting your point across properly depends on the words you use. That is why politicians have speech writers. If they had to wing it on their own they would be putting their feet into their mouths constantly. Even with their writers, the media will pick apart everything that is said and try to use it to their own advantage. I manage an office and have learned key phrases to say things nicely in order to pacify an irate customer. My favorite line is" I would love to, but my hands are tied". My next favorite is "more likely than not", which really means the outcome will be to my advantage not yours. In early April, I use the old "the accountant needs to settle the books for taxes" to collect old debts. Hey, don't be mad at me....it's my accountant! Now I will come to the word I dislike most in the English Language. That word is "Whatever". I hate this word. It is a dismissive word that is really saying " I don't want to listen to you anymore so I am cutting you off". There is no good comeback for the word "whatever" because it kind of ends the conversation abruptly. Any comment after that will surely lead to an argument. I would prefer it if the word OK" could replace the irritating "whatever". So, the next time we speak, please don't end the conversation with "whatever". OK?

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Too Many Holidays

Today is Secretary's Day. It falls right in the middle of National Administrative Week. It is a holiday week that is supposed to show gratitude to all employees from the people they work for. Not from the people they work with, because most of them feel over worked and underpaid and somehow that forms a camaraderie of it's own. Today, in my office, only one person acknowledged us. He gave us a card and candy. My office staff promptly hung the card in full view of everyone, almost shamefully, to inflict a little guilt on all of the others that forgot them. Somehow holidays and gift giving occasions have gotten out of hand. Retailers started to invent holidays to pump up sales through guilt. And it works. I understand the traditional celebration days of Birthdays, Anniversary's, Mothers Day and Fathers Day. Some holidays just go too far. In the month of April alone, we have Tell a Lie Day, No Housework Day, Golfer's Day and  Ex Spouse Day, just to name a few. At bridal showers, the groom-to-be comes in with flowers and a gift and all the ladies swoon. The best new reason for gift giving is when a woman gives birth. Her husband is obligated to give her a "Push Gift" or she will never live down the shame. Years ago, the baby was the gift, but somehow, I think a bunch of jewelers got together and coined the phrase "Push Gift". Every time I hear this phrase I picture the poor girl with her eyes scrunched and face beet red. It has now become a time to celebrate the birth of a child and the arrival of a new bracelet. In some circles, friends know the type of jewelry given, before they even know the babys' name. I would love it if people celebrated holidays and happy events for the joy of the day and with good deeds and kind words.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Ethics, Morals and Greed

I have always lived by the code of ethics I call "Universal Right vs Reality". We all know right from wrong but many times we over-ride our good judgement and do what we feel makes us happier. People used to have ethics and morals. They would think twice before they did something questionable. Our inner voice would ask us how we would be effecting others with our actions. Somehow, for many of us, that inner voice has been silenced. It is as if we just don't care how our actions will impact others. Freud separated our psyche into three areas: ID, Ego and Super Ego. The ID is instant gratification, the Ego is awareness and Super Ego is conscience. I want to comfortably exist in an Ego/Super Ego world, but unfortunately, lately, I seem to be surrounded by a bunch of ID's. Could that be the root of the word Idiot? Recently some people I have encountered in my life have substituted ethics and morals for greed. They don't realize that Karma does come back to you and one day they will be on the other side of the Universe.

Monday, April 25, 2011

America For Change

In 2008 Americans went to the polls to choose a new president. For the first time in many years people were all revved up about their political parties. There was a contrast in choices. The debonair young Black man who ran on a platform of "Change" and an elderly Caucasian man who was trying to uphold the Republican ways. The youth of America rallied for "Change" but when I asked them exactly what the Democratic candidate was going to change, I was met with blank stares. No one really new..... but change seemed like a good thing and Obama was handsome and looked good with his sleeves rolled up. I will admit that in the end of his term, George Bush did seen a little lost, but still, I was not going to vote for  a man touting unknown change. When Obama was elected, his party was overjoyed. He said things would change but little did he know that the change he wanted was not the change he would get. The economy slumped, unemployment was rampant, morale was low, gas prices were high and the media was fixated that Michelle Obama wore sleeveless dresses. Americans joined forces and went to Tea Parties. We realized that we DID need change, but that change would come from our realization that in order to have a well run America, the American people had to become involved in their country. Obama did bring change. He turned the American mentality from one of Apathy to one of Awareness. We voted a majority of Democrats out of office. I for one, am glad to not have to see Nancy Pelosi's face on television talking gibberish. America is growing and changing. Obama wanted change. You know the old saying...be careful what you ask for...you might get it!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

What's it all about...................

The older I get the more I do not understand the world. Did I just not notice things or did awareness come with age? The more I see, the less I like the way the world is going. My mind replays the carefree times of years ago. I am not talking about 50 years ago, I am talking about 5-10 years ago. I know things were not that carefree, but humor me. Every generation has it's times of unrest, but recently it has gotten out of hand. Our weekly gas prices are more than some minimum wage earners salaries. Everyone complains but no one does anything. Do we just not know what to do? Does America need guidelines to rally together and show that we do not like the way things are. I have always joked that if 3 middle income housewives got together and went over the nations budget, they would balance the books in no time. The way they run their household, is the way they would run our economy. Look for the best price's for the best quality goods. Work within the allowance they have set aside. If you can't afford it, do not buy it. We all know that if you take out a loan it has to be repaid. If you can't repay it don't put yourself in debt! Our politicians have no ramifications for their actions. They do what ever they want and get away with it. Then they claim ignorance. How does a political figure "not know" that they have to pay taxes? Or have legal nannies? Blaming your accountant or lawyer just goes so far. We live in a world where a celebrity can have multiple offenses and get minimal jail time, if any, but if a police officer looks at a criminal the wrong way, civil liberties demands justice. I just don't get it.....................