About Me

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I am a life coach and motivational speaker.

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

The System

Everything in life has a "system". Sometime it works, sometimes it doesn't. I always like to find the most efficient system to tackle any job. Since we are getting a new doctor in our practice tomorrow, all of her previous files need to be transferred to us. She brought over one box so far and many more are to come. We started to set up files the traditional way and ran out of folders. In the middle of the night, I realized that the way we were doing it was not cost nor time efficient. We need to do a temporary file until the patient comes in and then set up the permanent one. Many patients will not transfer over so why waste an expensive file? This morning I will have to break the news to my staff that there is a new way to handle this transition.

Monday, February 27, 2017

Not Your Business

This week starts a new regime at my office and I am glad. Maybe my morning receptionist will finally learn that not everything is her business. She is there to do her job and not interfere with other people's. For some reason she needed to be in control of everything and everyone and it is no longer working. She needs to hold back on her comments and demands or she will be "controlling" herself out of her job. This morning will be the last time I will lecture her on what she needs to do to remain my employee. I hope she has her listening ears on.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Morning Info

Each morning before I write my blog, I spend a minute or two reading the internet info. I cannot call it news because most of it is not newsworthy. I read about how I should be upset that two celebrities broke up. I read about the millionth weight loss miracle. I am told that I will die if I do not wear the newest shade of celebrity lipstick. I feel like I am reading a comedy script. This morning I was told that I would "go crazy" solving a Facebook math problem. I solved it in literally 3 seconds. Am I now crazy? Who writes these inane articles? Better yet, who believes them?

Saturday, February 25, 2017


Every morning when I write this blog, I look at a picture of my oldest granddaughter. It is a life size picture of her face. It is one of the best gifts I ever received. Staring into her beautiful face starts my day off right. When things are good I share my thoughts with her. When things are not so good, I vent my feelings to her. I do not think that my son and daughter in law knew how much this picture would mean to me when they sent it. To them it was a picture. To me, it is a daily connection to a girl that I love with all my heart. It is hard to explain how I feel about my grandchildren. I thought that I could not love anyone on earth more than my two sons. I did not think that the heart was capable of that. When my grandchildren were born, the concept of love moved to a higher level. I cannot describe it. I have pictures of my three grandchildren in almost every room of my house and I look into their captivating faces every time I walk past them. They brighten my day, each and every time. I look forward to my youngest granddaughter getting a bit older so we can talk on Skype like I do with her big sister. Many times during the year they send me art projects. Each one is displayed until the next one arrives and then they are placed into a scrapbook. It is these little gestures that make such a big difference when children live out of town. Although my "girls" live in another state, I feel such a strong bond with them.

Friday, February 24, 2017

Happy Birthday, Yin

Today is my sister's birthday. Although her name is not Yin, she is the Yin to my Yang. We are opposites and the same. That is why we get along so well. I am glad that I was born second as I could not imagine living for one moment without her. She had to bear that burden for twenty two months before I hit the earth. She is the one person I can totally rely on through thick and thin. There is nothing she would not do for me and visa versa. We were together at a dinner the other night and realized that the qualities that we had at seven years old were the same ones we still have as adults. That is why we blend together so well. She takes the lead and I follow. When she needs to follow, which is rare, I take the lead. Every morning, like clockwork,  she is the first person I speak to. Sometimes we laugh hysterically, sometimes we cry, but when we hang up the phone we are always at peace with what the day will bring. I must have done something really wonderful in my previous life to be blessed with such a wonderful sister in this one.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

One Percent

One percent seems like a small number but a lot can depend on that one percent. Yesterday one of my doctors told me that she gave notice and was leaving the practice. I was shocked. She had been with us for four years and was a wonderful therapist. She had a funny way about her that got the patients to change their destructive ways. Her laugh was the best one I ever heard. She was the office baker and made wonderful cheesecakes for everyone's birthdays. Her contract was up and she asked for a one percent raise. It was denied. She gave her notice. I understand that if she got a one percent raise, the other doctors would ask for the same when their contracts were over and my boss did not want to set a precedent. Losing this doctor is a big loss not only for her patients, but for her coworkers. I am sad to see her leave.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017


Last night my sister and I went to a seminar about social security. She was there for the information. I was there for the meal. The talk was very informative and no pressure, like they used to be years ago. We sat at a table with four other women. After the lecture we ate dinner and talked. This was the nicest group of women. The other tables of people seemed just as happy. When it came time to leave we felt bad leaving our new friends.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

The Inspector

Yesterday our newest doctor brought her husband to the office to see her new office. He was a nice man but very picayune. He walked around as if he was a building inspector. He questioned the slightly off color ceiling tiles. He said there was dust in the air vents. He wanted to know if we have panic buttons. He did not like that the fluorescent lights were different intensities. I made a list of all the things that he thought were not up to his code and will run them by my boss. He was trying to be helpful and looking out for his wife. I guess after a while we all stop looking at our environment and stop noticing things.

Monday, February 20, 2017

Four Legged Child

Your pet becomes your "child". Even though they are not human they give you love, comfort and company and they slowly become a family member. People with pets fully understand this. People without pets cannot. Last week Shelby began vomiting two times a day for no reason. I searched the internet and found some information. I decided to treat him like a child and use common sense. I let his stomach rest for a day and then cooked him a chicken cutlet and rice for each meal. After he seemed better, I added back his dog food slowly. After four days he is almost back to normal, but I am keeping a watchful eye on him. He is my furry four legged child and I will do everything I can to keep him healthy and happy.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Long Hair Extra

I had my hair cut yesterday in Brooklyn and as usual it was a great haircut. The stylist makes it a bit short but that way it lasts for 2 months. For some reason my husband had begun to call me "Butch". It will grow out. As I was waiting for my haircut, I noticed a sign that I see in most salons. It reads, "Long hair extra". It should really say that short hair is extra. The women with long hair sit down and the bottom ends are trimmed and neatened up. When I sit down every hair needs to be trimmed. The layers need to be symmetrically shaped. He needs to cut carefully around my ears. He takes his time and goes over the cut at least twice. This is time consuming so I never understood why the charge for long hair is more.

Saturday, February 18, 2017


My sister and I will be going to Brooklyn today. We found a wonderful hairstylist who is worth driving 70 miles round trip for. He uses his scissors like a Samurai  as they spin around your head. Even though he cuts my hair a bit shorter than other stylist have, it grows in perfectly. After the haircuts we will take a walk on the "Avenue" to find items that we cannot find here. The foods are more ethnic and only sold in the traditional store of each culture. We will have lunch, check on our parent's house and visit their next door neighbors. The day will fly. I love these trips!

Friday, February 17, 2017


I always use caution when making any decision. We are remodeling some offices at work and the director has some great ideas but does not think them through. One of the smaller offices is where the modem, router and computer server are kept. If one wire is moved the wrong way, the entire system goes down. I was asked to move the "system" so a handyman could do some work. I said that I would not move anything as I will not be responsible for the system failing. My boss decided to do it herself. I watched her as she moved things around and I kept saying that she should leave it alone. As expected the system went down. All work had to stop as the computers and internet were not connected. I wanted to say, "I told you so" but the smirk on my face said it all. She had to crawl under desks and maneuver the equipment to get things going again. From now on she said that she will listen to me and not do anything that I say is not right.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

No Time For The News

I usually read the news from the internet when I am at work. For the past week I have been so busy setting up a new medical practice that I have not had a moment to spare. Although I get the newspaper delivered, I never sit down to read it. I have pretty much been on a news blackout. To be honest, I love it. My life is going on without any world or local news. I eat, work, sleep and have no worries. I do not know which politician is pointing a finger at the other ones for wrong doing. I do not know which newscaster is unhappy. This is how life used to be in the 1950's. Limited news. The world went on without unnecessary commentary.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017


As expected, a small repair of my husband's car has turned into a huge project. I will not go into the fact that we advised him not to buy a retro car. That would be like beating a dead horse. When the computer in his car started to fail, he began doing research on how to get it fixed. Since it was a limited edition, the new parts were not available. He had to hunt for rebuilds. If I needed a medicine to keep me alive, he would not have done as much research as he did to get his car in working order. He found a place in Florida that rebuilds your own car computer. He sent it to Florida and they could not fix it. Now he had to find another option as the car has been sitting at the mechanic's shop for one week. He found a place in Nassau County and placed his order. Now comes the "but". They can give him a computer that will work "but" someone else has to sync it with the car otherwise the car will not turn on. Now he needs a locksmith. It seems that most locksmiths do not do this as the machine is too expensive. More research. He finally located a "mobile" locksmith who will sync the system. Hopefully by next week the car will be back on the road.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Happy Valentine's Day

Another holiday. Wasn't it just yesterday that we were swimming at the town pool? Even though it is Valentine's Day, Easter decorations are in the stores. We have not yet said, "I love you" to our family and here comes spring. I enjoy the color transition of the holidays. Valentine's Day is the last primary color holiday. We are quickly moving on to the pastels. Somehow that makes me feel happy and have hope for good things to come.

Monday, February 13, 2017

Wind Storm

I was woken up in the early hours of the morning to  heavy winds. It sounded like a tornado. I heard crashing and rustling outside my window. Since it was dark out, I did not get up to see what was banging. I figured that if the roof blew off, I would get up then. At 6:30am I got out of bed and walked the dog. I looked around and saw no damage. Even my garbage pails where right where I left them. I still cannot figure out what went flying.

Sunday, February 12, 2017


I do my best thinking while I sleep. The creativity flows. I can figure out a way to solve any problem and be specific about it. It all seems so clear and concise. The only problem is that when I wake up, I cannot remember the specifics of these great ideas. Some people have a pad and pen by their bedside to write down their ideas, but if I got up to do that I would never fall back asleep.

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Growing Fast

Little things in life make me happy. One of my biggest joys is Skypeing with my two granddaughters. Even if it is only for a few minutes, it is the best few minutes of the day. As the baby gets older, she is a bit more involved in the conversation. The other day, she actually looked at me in the screen! Her sister is now four and has more personality than any child I know. Her energy comes through the screen. Before Skype, if you had a grandchild out of state, they only knew your voice. Now they get to know you, even if you are miles apart. The baby got her first tooth and I was able to see it that week, instead of waiting for a visit. Even though I am not a big fan of being on the internet, I adore Skype. It makes me a real part of my granddaughter's lives.

Friday, February 10, 2017

The Calm

There is always a calm after the storm, in the weather and in life. That is just how it goes. Yesterday's storm left us with ice and snow. This morning the sun is out and the snow is plowed away. I guess that storms are metaphors for life. No one goes through life without having a personal storm at one time or another. During the storm, a dark cloud hovers and your internal barometer rises, leaving a heaviness that is palpable. It weighs heavy on you just like stagnant air. Then the storm passes and the air is lighter and breathable. Some damage might have beendone, but repairs can always be made. As I look at the bright sunshine coming through my window this morning, I know that we are all as resilient as nature and can weather the storm.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Snow Day

This morning I woke up to a snowstorm. I knew it was on the way so I planned to stay at home and not even try to go to work. My office also planned accordingly. Patients were called and appointments rescheduled. This is not only a snow day. For me this is a mental health day. I plan to stay in my sweatsuit and do nothing unless it pleases me. I can do crafting or watch television all day. Writing this blog is the only responsibility I have, so I am doing it early as usual. My body and mind both need a rest.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

More Afraid

 Yesterday I spent most of my day in meetings. I met the new doctor for the first time and thought that she was very nice. She seemed very businesslike and conservative. We spoke about fees and codes and other office matters. There were four people in the meeting, me, my boss, the new doctor and her assistant. When my boss was called into another meeting, the three of us spoke on a more relaxed level. The new doctor has never worked in a private setting as she had been affiliated with facilities. This is all new for her. She seemed a bit scared of the unknown, just like we all are. I did my best to make her feel comfortable and let her know that she was not only joining a new practice but a new family. She looked relieved. She is only human and even though she is a world famous doctor, she still has emotions. 

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Shake Up

Today begins a new day in my office. We are hiring a new medical doctor and no one knows what to expect. She has been practicing for over 30 years and  is joining our practice for one reason, to detach herself from a large healthcare system. She joined that system with promises of things being better, but they turned out to be worse. She decided to leave. She is well known in the community and brings a lot to the table. I think this is a good thing. Other people do not know what to expect. If everyone does their job correctly, there is nothing to fear.

Monday, February 6, 2017

Standing Up

There is a saying, "If you stand up for nothing, you will fall for everything". I always believed that a person needs to stand up for what is right. That is not always an easy thing to do, but in the long run it is better than complying with something you feel is wrong. I have instilled that in my children and I am very proud when I see the moral ethics that they have. Standing up is hard, but if you lie down and retreat you will be walked all over. That is far worse because it affects you and not the other people. Yesterday I received an email from my boss asking me to withhold information about a work matter. If I did that, it would have diminished my role as the manager. I wrote back to her refusing to do so and explained why. The email was in a pleasant but firm tone. This morning she responded by agreeing with my judgement. Had I not stood up for myself, there would have been a strain between us. Now there is not.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Those Were The Days

In 1968 there was a hit song by Mary Hopkin titled, "Those were the days". Lately, I think of that song. I reflect back on my life and see that I never realized how nice things were. None of us did. When my children were young, all I worried about was whether or not they drank their milk and ate their vegetables. My parents were healthy and living a nice life. I was a stay at home mother without any work responsibilities. I would go about my day in peace. At night I would sit on the couch with a child on my lap and watch television. Things were simple but I did not enjoy the moment. Those were the days.

Saturday, February 4, 2017


I was never one to gamble. I like a sure thing. If I go to a casino I play the penny machine for one penny a pull. That way I have 100 pulls. I figured that this calculation would maximize my time at the machine. Needless to say, I lose my money in 1000 seconds as I only allot ten dollars for the day. For that reason I have only played at a casino 3 times in my life. My mother, on the other hand, likes to go for one hour a week. She says that she loves the tumult and excitement. She also feels better there. Casinos have a higher percentage of oxygen pumped into their air filtration system to keep people awake. It also keeps the elderly charged. She knows how to work the machines and always comes out a winner. Some weeks she wins more than my salary.

Friday, February 3, 2017

As Happy

There is an old expression that you are only as happy as your least happy child. I have extended that saying to include family members. When you love people you feel for them. Their happiness is your happiness. Their sadness is your sadness. Buddha says, "If you love 50 people, you have 50 woes". I spent the past few days with my parents and saw two people who have lived their lives in happiness. They are happy because their children are happy. If we have problems we do not share them with my parents, so they will continue to live their lives without woes.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Back Home

Time flies. Years seem like days and days seem like minutes. I feel like I just arrived in Florida and here I am all packed to go home. I will be back in five weeks with my sister so saying goodbye is easier.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

TV Binging

I have been binge watching a new television series. It is called "This Is Us". I am obsessed with it. It seems that a lot of other people are too. It is a great story line, with twists and turns that are unexpected. The cast is wonderful. I feel like I have new friends as I become part of their lives. I missed the first season so I am catching up On Demand. I have logged in 13 of the 14 season one episodes. Some shows are just so good that it adds something to your day.