About Me

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I am a life coach and motivational speaker.

Friday, July 31, 2020


Who is your Piglet? I woke up this morning and read a post that my sister in law put on Facebook. It was a simple post from a Winnie the Pooh story. A post that serves the test of time. To summarize the story, it is about what true friendship is. Piglet is the friend. He is there when you need him, but also how you need him. If you need to talk about your problems, he will listen. If you do not want to talk about your problem at that moment, he will just sit by your side idly, swinging his feet, as moral support. Sometimes talking about a problem makes it worse as you are reviewing it in your head twice. Knowing that there is that one person, your one person, who will sit by you in your silence, holding you up with invisible strings, is the best support you can ask for. Who is your Piglet?

Thursday, July 30, 2020


There are many free offers and services out there if you just know where to look. If you do not know where to look, make sure you have a friend that does. Last week someone told me that the town department for the aged was sending free masks to senior citizens. I called their office and gave my name. Yesterday I got a pack of five white masks in the mail. Since I like to spruce things up and make them unique, I am coloring one of them tie dye. It pays to have friends in the know.

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Take A Stand

Yesterday I took a stand. My office has been involved in a drug study for the past 18 months. We are doing the FDA study for a new medication. Every 6 months a monitor from the drug company is sent to review our books. After I got to work yesterday, I was told that the monitor was coming in. It dawned on me that she lives in Delaware and that is a state that has a 14 day quarantine for anyone entering New York State. I called my boss and voiced my concerns. If I am near a person from a "Covid" state, I could be jeopardizing my father's health when I see him. She gave me a few reasons why it would be fine for the monitor to be here. None of them were plausible. I decided to take a stand and protect my family. At 9:30am I gathered my things and walked out of my office. I demanded that a cleaning crew come at night and sterilize the office. The crew was called. I will return to work this morning, feeling safe. I will not compromise my family's health for any job.

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Yin Yang

There has always been a yin to a yang. Balance has always been there. That is what keeps the universe spinning. It is when the yin and yang separate that things go wild. Up, down, in, out, high, low, happy, sad, large, small, hot, cold, black, white. The yin yang sign has conceptualized the meaning of the two as an intertwined, overlapped design. Where one side ends, the other begins. One color sits inside of the other in a beautiful blend. If you removed the black, the white would fade away. If you removed the white, the black would fade into darkness. Both are equally needed to have things perfect.

Monday, July 27, 2020

Freshman 15

There has always been a saying that college freshman put on the freshman 15. It means that they gain 15 pounds their first semester. Now I see the Covid 19. People who ate too much in quarantine are now going to the beaches and pools and carrying around the Covid 19. Nineteen more pounds have been put on from eating junk foods while they worked at home and could not go out and carry on normal active routines.

Sunday, July 26, 2020

Early Bird

It is 7am and I have done more than most people do in a day. I woke up at 5:30am and got out of bed. Why waste the day? I paid bills, balanced my checkbook, did some crafts, prepared for tomorrow’s breakfast, started tonight's dinner, read emails and am writing this entry. I will go out as soon as the stores open and get some groceries and then have a picnic lunch at the pool. I will spend the afternoon relaxing in the pool as I have no chores to take care of. Good planning.

Saturday, July 25, 2020


It is hard to believe that it is midway through summer. There was no spring. Spring was just a bad memory that began with sickness and ended with hate. Summer is hanging in the balance, not knowing where to go. Sickness is lingering but not everywhere. Hate is hanging on but its hold is loosening. Autumn will be the tie breaker. It will show whether or not the changes we made lead to a better place. By the end of autumn we will see if humankind has had enough suffering to see the handwriting on the wall and make sure that the evil is tossed away for ever. 

Friday, July 24, 2020


There is never enough time. This morning I have a few things I need to do. I got up at 6am and began the day. I have to leave my house by 8:15am for a haircut. I have no idea where almost two hours have gone. I still have things to finish at home. Maybe I needed to get up at 5.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

More Work

Some people just create more work for others. I have never been that type of person but at work I am surrounded by them. If a patient knows they owe money each week, why do I have to call them for payment? It just adds another task to my day and in the end they still have to pay the bill. If a doctor knows he has to write a report for an insurance company, why do I have to nag him every day? I finally had enough. I told him that I would give the insurance company his cell number. Amazingly, the report was done.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020


What are normal standards? After 55 days of protests in Oregon, and attempts to break into and destroy a federal building, the government called out the troops. Tear gas was used and the crowd was dispersed. The federal building was saved. The governor and mayor were appalled. They feel that the troops brought violence. What?? Huh?? Fifty five days of riots and burned down property were ok, but enforcing law and order was wrong? This is not a dream, although I wish it was. This is not even about BLM or the police. This is about Socialism and the Democratic party trying to destroy the United States and win an election. This is about electing a pre dementia figurehead to use as a puppet. What am I seeing that other people are not? I want free speech. I want safety. I want law and order. That is what most normal people want. At some point you need to reevaluate your party's platform and vote for the life you deserve. Don't think of it as Democrat or Republican. Think of it as freedom of speech and safety. Every day I pass by my town park to see if the statue of President Eisenhower is still standing or the rioters have taken it down. Isn't that pathetic? I do not want to live in a world that takes away my freedom. People are so afraid of the Corona virus that they are not focusing on the Democratic virus that will endanger us all far more.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020


A month is a month, or is it. While a month has either 28,29,30 or 31 days, the circumstance it applies to decides just how long it is. When a baby is born, a month has a lot packed into it. The changes from the 1st of the month to the 30th of the month are huge. When a person is over 90 years old, the same fact holds true. If you are 40, 40 and a month shows no difference. I am dealing with the over 90 year old, month. Things change quickly from day to day. You never know what skills will decline.

Monday, July 20, 2020


Yesterday I skipped a day of writing my blog. I was just too busy. My grandson slept over and I decided that even a moment away from spending time with him would be a moment of the weekend that I wasted. It was too hot to go outside and except for a quick drive to the craft store, we stayed in. I taught him how to sew, which is a skill that everyone needs to know. We made dolls, he made a mosaic picture frame, he painted and we talked, and talked and talked. There was not one moment for television. In our downtime, he read to me. He said it was the best weekend ever. I felt the same way.

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Grandma Weekend

Twice a year I have a grandma weekend. My grandson comes for a sleepover. This weekend he will arrive at 9am and the fun will begin. He will stay until tomorrow after dinner. It is a heatwave and because of the pandemic, I will not be taking him to the pool. I have planned a weekend of arts and crafts activities in the "workshop". That is what his favorite thing to do is. In fact, all of my grandchildren love arts and crafts. We will paint, sew and create a lot of projects and memories. I can't wait.

Friday, July 17, 2020

Many Happy Returns

I was never a person that returned items. If they were inexpensive, I just chalked it up to a bad purchase. If I bought something that cost a lot, I always made 100% sure that I wanted it, because I knew that I would not want to put the effort in to taking it back. Now Amazon has made it easy. If I do not want something, I go to the UPS store and hand it to them with a scan photo. Voila! It is credited to my account. No packing it. No postage. Easy peasy.

Thursday, July 16, 2020

A High Note

It is always better to leave on a high note. My boss finally decided to let the night girls go. She made the calls herself as I felt it was her place. The three girls were the best we ever had and were a wonderful team. It is sad that they will no longer be there. Each one left on a high note. I would write glowing letters of recommendation for any of them if I was asked to. I wish them all well. Whomever they work for in the future will be lucky.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

New Normal

Anyone can get used to anything if they have to. I see that with the new life style. Yesterday my boss said that she thinks we will not open our business doors until March 2021. People have gotten used to at home therapy. Insurance companies have gotten used to paying for more frequent at home services. More money is coming in than previously. Why change it? The new system is becoming more beneficial than the old one.

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Sure Thing

If you have a sure thing, why change it? If something is working well, why not just continue on? I saw that the hosts of Dancing With the Stars have both lost their jobs. I wonder who made that decision. People are used to them and they are ingrained in the television experience. Seeing new people will upset loyal fans. It is like when Bewitched switched Darren's. The new Darren always felt wrong.

Monday, July 13, 2020

Hard Copy

Although I like to see things online. I prefer a hard copy over a digital one. I like to know that if I need information, I can take out a book and thumb through the pages for an answer. I do not want to have to go on the computer and put in user names and passwords and scroll up and down. I am still old fashioned when it comes to certain things.

Sunday, July 12, 2020


They say that police officers need more training. Parents have 18+ years to teach their children to be respectful of other people and their property. They have 18+ years to teach right from wrong. They have 18+ years to teach kindness and compassion and good moral fortitude. Why are the police to blame for people's bad behavior? If you could not control your own blood why do you expect a stranger to? If you did not see the signs of a problem brewing, or chose to coddle that problem, police are not to blame when crimes happen. They are there to handle the mess that you created .

Saturday, July 11, 2020

The Penny

Last week I went to a local craft store to buy fabric. As I left the store, I saw a penny in the parking lot. The superstitious rule is that you only pick up a penny that is heads up, otherwise you will have bad luck. All other coins can be any side up, but a penny has to be heads up. It was heads down, so I walked away. Yesterday, I went back to the store to get some more fabric. As I left, I saw a penny in the parking lot. It was heads down so I started to walk away. Then I realized that it was the same penny from a week ago. I guess no one wants bad luck.

Friday, July 10, 2020

A Crafter at Heart

I had the weirdest dream last night. It was a combination of world events and arts and crafts. I will recount it, as best as I can remember.... I was walking Shelby in my backyard. I saw a bit of open fence and two big Labrador Retrievers were on the other side growling. I quickly pulled Shelby away and brought him in the house so he would not be hurt. I then went to the back of the fence and put a piece of mesh across it to close in the yard. A few minutes later a neighbor came to my door screaming that I was anti dog and a dog racist. I said I was only protecting my small dog. She said that the other dogs had a right to be on my property and if I fenced them out, I was a dog racist. I said it was my property and she said it did not matter. I could not block the dogs out. A while later I looked out and on my lawn were signs saying I was a dog racist. They said other mean things also. I called the neighbor and asked her why she had to show my house online and say I fenced in my yard. She said she was sorry and had no idea it would go this far. I went outside to remove the hate signs. Now is where the crafter part kicks in. As I was pulling out the first sign, I noticed that the wooden post had a nice curve to it. I could use it in a project. The next sign was on a wooden bench. I could use the bench as a child's step stool. The next sign was on an easel. Another great find. I separated the good wood and papers from the bad. I took the good ones inside to add to my crafting supplies and the bad wood I threw on my neighbor's lawn. Always a crafter!

Thursday, July 9, 2020


There comes a time when precaution turns into obsession. Precaution is normal concern. Obsession is faulty thinking concern. Since the pandemic, people have aligned themselves by their mindset. There are the laid back, the normal, the precautious normal and the obsessive. Either end of the spectrum is not good. The laid back make it dangerous for all of us. The obsessive make it hard for themselves. I hear a lot about preexisting conditions, but in reality, the virus is an equal opportunity problem. I have seen sick people go through it well and healthy people suffer. Most people have some kind of preexisting condition, whether it is heart, lung, blood pressure, diabetes or cancer. If you are over 50 years old, you probably have more than one. I have two. At some point you have to cautiously resume living. If not, you are preventing yourself from living. Being holed up away from civilization is not healthy either. Your body remains safe but your mind is at risk. Totally separating from other people and the world at large, waiting for a cure, is like handing over your life to a silent enemy. Wear a mask, keep your hands clean, socially distance and then start to resume your life.

Wednesday, July 8, 2020


If "they" say it, it must be true. Who are "they"? "They" have been around since the beginning of time. No one knows exactly where "they" live or even "their" names. Every generation has them. The nameless, faceless group of know it all's. If you are having a discussion and throw in the sentence, "they say", it makes the other person listen to the opposing argument a bit more. Even if it is really your opinion, it goes further to say it is "theirs".

Tuesday, July 7, 2020


The other day, I was having a conversation about restaurants with a few friends. They were discussing the places they go in Florida. I have come to the age where Florida is now a part of the dialogue. The first person said that they go to Ocean's One for an inexpensive lunch. The next person said that they go to Two Jays for a nice sandwich. The other person said that Three G's was better than Two Jays. One more person chimed in that Pier 56 had fantastic food. Do all of the places in Florida have numbers attached to their names. One, Two, Three, Fifty Six. All we need to do is add in Four Season's and Seven Seas. Then we could have a full hand in a card game.

Monday, July 6, 2020


Today it feels like summer. I know that it has been summer since June, but I never had the summer feeling. After a warm and sunny weekend, my mindset has changed. I am ready to enjoy the season.

Sunday, July 5, 2020


This morning is the calm after the storm. Last night I heard more fireworks than I ever had. The were louder, stronger and lasted longer. I guess with the traditional shows being cancelled, people took matters into their own hands. Behind my house, the noise lasted until midnight. I had to hold Shelby in my arms until he fell fast asleep, as the loud noise made him tremble. I am glad it is July 5th. I am sure there will be some noise tonight but it will not be like yesterday.

Saturday, July 4, 2020

10 and 2

Most people woke up this morning with 10 fingers and 2 eyes. Hopefully, when they wake up tomorrow it will be status quo. Since the fireworks show in the towns have been cancelled, people have chipped in money to by their own and shoot them off on their own blocks. That is where things become dangerous. No one is a pyro technologist and accidents are bound to happen. I was never a fan of fireworks. I love to see them but hate to hear them. I wish it was tomorrow.

Friday, July 3, 2020

Too Many Thoughts

I am beginning to think that I have a limited amount of thoughts that can occupy my brain. This morning I got up at 7am and went to write this blog. As I sat down, my sister called me. I left the computer and sat down to talk to her. After that, I have no memory of what happened. I know I went shopping and to the craft store. After I took care of those errands, I guess I had an open spot in my brain, so the blog popped in. I never wrote it. So I am writing it now, a bit late, but better late than never.

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Penny Wise

The saying, "Penny wise and dollar foolish" is so true. I try to be dollar wise. I have learned over the years to careful and watch what I do. I never want to be foolish.

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

While You Were Sleeping

Yesterday was Tuesday. It is buy one get one free at Baskin Robbins. My husband decided to go out at 9:30pm to buy dessert. He would eat his when he got home and I would eat mine during the week. He got into the car and made a right turn onto Front Street. He drove down the block, when he saw protesters. There were police cars with flashing lights blocking off the street, so the traffic would not go near them. There were over a hundred people ranting in the intersection. Why? What was the purpose of this at 9:30 pm, in a quiet town? Who were they protesting to? Most residents were in their homes sleeping. He got his ice cream and when he returned, the march was now at Fairhaven Drive. He hoped that no one would veer off of the march route and go into the private streets to knock on doors, as had happened in other neighborhoods. Protests have become the new social gatherings. They take up police time and instill fear in the good people. At this point in time, we all know that change is necessary. Constant protests might begin to work against the cause, as poking the bear too much is never a good idea.