About Me

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I am a life coach and motivational speaker.

Sunday, May 31, 2020

Fly Me To The Moon

The luckiest people on earth are the ones that just left it. The astronauts that are in space are in a better place. They left a planet that is out to destroy itself. What the virus did not do to the people, the people are doing to themselves. I have no words. Have we not gone through enough? Have we not suffered enough? Are human beings that depraved to further destroy what they worked hard to build? We cried when we could not go to the stores and then as we were about to get that right back, burned them down. Who pays for this? When things calm down and the fires die, our society can stand back and look at what they did to themselves. What a disgrace.

Saturday, May 30, 2020

DIY or DI Why?

I am a crafter. I have loved crafting since I was young. There is no better feeling than making something yourself and seeing a beautiful end result. I do have my limit though. I see people making wonderfully creative projects on video. The video is a fast forward type that show the project progressing at a breakneck speed. Of course the end result is fantastic. Then I think about how much work and how many hours are needed to make something that I could buy online by just hitting the words, "Order Now".

Friday, May 29, 2020

Why Change?

This morning when I got online to write this blog, the format was completely changed. An information box said that the new format was to make things easier. Easier for who? I had to spend a few minutes searching around for options that had been clearly marked previously. Words were replaced by icons. The word "publish" was now a squigglly arrow. The word "save" was now a box with a dot in the center. What was the reasoning for the change? Did the programmers run out of things to program so they went back to undo what had been fine? Things that are not broken need to be left alone.

Thursday, May 28, 2020

S and X

My problem is that I listen too carefully when people speak. By doing that, I pick up the wrong pronunciations of common words. Some words are constantly being said the wrong way and no one corrects the person. I would, if they were in front of me and not on the television screen. Last night I heard two people, on two different shows, mispronounce the same word incorrectly. The word was "especially". They said "expecially". Just like espresso and expresso. One is coffee and the other is being in a rush. Where did the S go? Then to make it worse, someone was interviewed about where they purchase food and they said at the gro-sher-ry. When did a "shh" sound slip into the word gro-sir-rey? I have learned to be calm when "Ask" is turned into "Aks". Time to go to work. See yuz lata.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020


Today marks the first day of phase one reopening of New York. It took a while to get here and hopefully people will continue to keep themselves safe, so phase two can follow in a few weeks. We are not the same people we were and thinking back, we were not as hygienic as we should have been. My routine at work now begins with the daily wash down. Once that is done the work day starts. It never dawned on me to clean a doorknob or light switch. I now clean the alarm key pad and the copy machine number pad. Those were always well used areas that were never sanitized. I am not fanatically clean now, just cautiously clean.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Apples, Oranges and Golf

What is it with the game of golf? Years ago, I tried it once for about two minutes and found it to be very boring. I can tolerate mini golf but I have to admit that I do get frustrated at the windmill. This morning I woke up to the big "Golf controversy". This is where apples and oranges come in. From 2008 to 2016, our leader played golf on Memorial Day. Two of those years, the traditional trip to Arlington was not done as golf seemed to be more important. During those years we were at war or in crisis. No one criticized the apple. This year after a trip to Arlington, the leader played golf. The orange was criticized for it. Some years the apple played with his apple chip. This year the apple chip criticized the orange, forgetting as he now does with many issues, where he was for past holidays. This is not a political story, this is a story of "Do as I say, not as I do". That is the worrisome part.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Memorial Day

Memorial Day is a holiday to remember the brave men and women who have lost their lives while serving in the US military. It is marked with parades and barbecues. It is a day to celebrate memories. This Memorial Day has a second meaning. It is a day to remember the lives that have been lost in another war, the war against a virus. If in February you would have told the many healthy people and their families that they would not be here this Memorial Day, they would not have believed you. We expect healthy lives to be lost in wartime. We do not expect healthy lives to be lost to a sudden deadly virus.Today looks like a grey day. I am glad it is not sunny outside. I am not in a sunny mood. I know many people who have become sick and were hospitalized from the virus. They are the lucky ones who are alive today. I know second hand about the deaths. Some of us will get together with family today. Some of us are still too cautious to gather.

Sunday, May 24, 2020


I read a funny question on the internet about being a "crafter" during the pandemic. It said, "What will you do when you run out of supplies?” The answer was, "Obviously, you are not a crafter".  That statement is so true. Crafters have a never ending supply of everything. If one item runs out, another can be substituted. There is always an abundance of goods bought for the "just in case" times. Excess from one project gets stored away until another interesting project comes along. I have three projects floating in my head today and checked my "warehouse". I have plenty of stock to do all of them. A crafter is crafty and can always adapt.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Home Grown

I have been looking at more DIY sites than ever, since I have more at home time. I have found new ways to do things that I would never have thought of. I am not the biggest vegetable eater, but I heard about a way to continually regrow scallions. I bought a stack and used most of the green part in a recipe. It was delicious. I then did as the "hack" said and put the root part of that stalk in a glass of water, with about 2" submerged. Within a few days, the green stalk regrew. I cut the green part off to use and in a few days, it grew back again. I am now doing this for 2 months and the "mother stalk" is as strong as ever. I heard this is also good for carrots, but I won't try that yet. I am still getting used to my ever growing scallion.

Friday, May 22, 2020


Online shopping has become America's favorite pastime in the last few months. Even people that have never shopped online are doing so because there are limited options to shop in person. Impulse buying tops the list. I am sure that most of us have purchased items that we do not need. It is our way of rewarding ourselves for staying sane lately. 

Thursday, May 21, 2020

What Matters

What really matters? The last face I see at night and the first one I wake up to in the morning is my mother's. I have a few pictures of her on my night stand, smiling and dancing. I look at her face and want to tell her what she is missing. That is when I realize that other than the love of her family, she is missing nothing. That has become more apparent in the past few months. People that went to the gym religiously are surviving without it. The same goes for movies, restaurants and hair salons. We can learn how to adapt to "things" missing, but can we ever adapt to people missing?

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

In Between

I just read that the weather today will reach a high of 98 degrees. I bet that caught your attention. I never read that, but by writing it, you just did. For a moment, you thought that it was going to be a heatwave. I could have said that today the weather will be 40 degrees with a fleeting snow shower. The truth is always somewhere in between. When weighing the outcome of any situation, believing an extreme is not the way to go. If it is written and published, is it true? Think about that.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Rinse and Repeat

It has become a rinse and repeat world. Just like the instructions on the shampoo bottle, life is repeated over and over again. Do it once, shake it off and do it again. We are locked in a holding pattern and are waiting at the gate to run through.

Monday, May 18, 2020


I was in Walmart yesterday and overhead a debate. One person said it was Sunday. One said Saturday. Both of them thought for a moment and decided that Sunday was the correct answer. Without structure, days have no meaning. I have renamed my days. They are "work, work, work, work, shop, Dad, wildcard". Until further notice that is how they will remain.

Sunday, May 17, 2020


Bob Dylan had a song with a verse in it that said, "Everybody must get stoned". There are three levels of "Stoned' in life. At the beginning, when you are a child, you are told not to put stones in your mouth. Little children like to pick up random things and are not always aware that some could hurt you. Then we move on to adolescent and teen years. You hope that you have instilled the values in your children that drugs are not good. You never want to hear that your child is getting stoned as it can lead to serious danger. In the end of life, even if you lived it in the best way, you wind up with a stone. This time is it a headstone. That stone becomes the memorial of your life. In reality, when all is said and done, the end result is that you get stoned.

Saturday, May 16, 2020


I just read something online that made me laugh and shake my head. It was an ingenious way to close a cereal box. The video went viral. Celebrities were doing it now and astounded at how it worked. I have been closing my boxes that way for 40 years. Do these people not have a thinking brain? If you look in my pantry now, all of my boxes look that way. Take a peek into my freezer and the Eggo box looks like that too. Have I been a genius so many years that I just forgot to share my "new developments?" If someone just took a minute to think about the best way to do something, things and life would run orderly.

Friday, May 15, 2020

Full of Sh*t

There is a new reality show on TruTv called Tirdy Works. It is about a woman who sells moose sh*t online. She makes various products out of it in the most creative way. The show is very funny and the products are even funnier. It goes to show that people will buy anything, even sh*t. Her products include PooPoo Platters, Sh*t on a shingle, a number Poo pencil, Sh*t on a stick, PooPoo clocks, Poopcicles and so many more. Her level of creativity is wonderful but her knowledge of human nature is even better. It goes to show that anything , if marketed right, can sell.

Thursday, May 14, 2020


In order to have valid comparisons, you need equal variables. That is a no brainer. Our economy has drastically changed due to unforeseen circumstances. Comparing statistics from previous years gives a false sense of being. Yes, unemployment is at its highest. That is because people are not allowed to go to their jobs. The economy is dipping. Yes, because people without jobs spend less. Stores are closing. Yes, because if you are forced to shut down your business, how do you make money? How can journalists compare to previous "regimes" when the variables do not match? Articles that make those comparisons do a disservice to the public. It is like charting blisters on your feet. If one person is barefoot walking on sharp rocks, his feet will blister. If we do a comparison with a second person who is walking through the same rocks wearing socks and work boots, the outcome is not real. We cannot blame the shoeless man, can we?

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Turning The Corner

We have all had a "Turning the Corner" moment in our lives. Most of us have had many. It is that feeling that everything will be alright again. It is the moment in time when you see a light at the end of the tunnel. It is a feeling of peace and comfort and serenity. I have no idea why our brain turns from positive to negative, if the variables are still the same. All I know is that I got up this morning and feel like everything in the world is going to be okay. Maybe it is the beautiful sunshine. Maybe it is the change of season. Whatever it is, I do not care. All I know is that I feel good and happy and hopeful.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Fire Drill

Yesterday I spent most of the work day standing outside in the parking lot. One of the other offices had an autoclave that started to smoke. The fire department was called, as were the building managers and hazmat units. The machine was taken outside to cool off. The office staffs were also taken outside to "chill out". We stood in the misty rain under a small awning waiting for the fire department to slowly evaluate the situation. If the machine was outside and the fans blew away the smoke, why did we have to stand in the cold for 2 hours as the men controlling the situation chit chatted? My workload is now a day behind.

Monday, May 11, 2020

No Frills

My husband needs his tooth pulled. He needs a no frills dentist. A few weeks ago he went to an oral surgeon who said that if he did not start a bone graft procedure that day, he  would not take out his tooth. Years ago barbers did oral surgery. They got a plier, put it into your mouth and pulled. He is almost up to that point. This morning I will call a list of providers to see who can help him.

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day 2020. It is a different Mother's Day than we have ever had. New roles have been added to the title of Mom. Besides everything they had to previously do, mothers have become teachers, activity planners, cooking instructors and much more. Their  daily routine is now a solid 16 hour day. There is no time off like before, when the children were in school. Moments of "me" time, even if they were used for grocery shopping, are now gone. Even if they go out on a solo shopping trip, they know the  children are at home, even if they are safe with another adult. A mother in 2020 is a super mother that has assumed her new demanding role with love and grace. Of course the Dads are also doing great, but today is Mother's Day, so the focus is on them. Happy Mother's Day to all, and remember that the best gift we can ever get is to stay healthy during these troubling times.

Saturday, May 9, 2020


As I was driving to the food store yesterday, I heard a Barry Manilow song. I thought I knew every song he ever sang, as I am a big fan, but I guess one got away. I put the radio on replay and listened to it for the entire drive. It had such meaning in this time in my life. It is titled, "When the Good Times Come Again". The lyrics are below. If you want to hear him sing it, its on You Tube. It is even more powerful that way.

Every rainbow has to have an end
A pot of gold or dreams foretold
May not be there my friend
In this high and mighty world we live in
Sometimes we have to break
Sometimes we have to bend
Until the good times come again 
I'll see you then
When the good times come again
When you and I have made it back
From the people and the places we have been 
I'll see you then
When the good times come again
The door that we go out of
Is door that we come in
When the good times come again
When the good times come again 

Hope we both survive the world out there
You'll never know what wind will blow
So don't forget I care
And don't forget the way we felt together
Sometimes we have to hold
To all the good that's been 
I'll see you then
When the good times come again
When you and I have made it back
From the people and the places we have been.

Friday, May 8, 2020

Dick and Jane

What ever happened to Dick and Jane? They used to be so active. See Jane run. Run, run, run. See Dick jump. Jump, jump, jump. They used to have Spot go with them. He ran while they jumped and hopped. Now they are in quarantine like the rest of the world. See Jane sit. Sit, sit, sit. See Dick nap. Nap, nap, nap. I miss the days of Dick, Jane and Spot.

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Domino Effect

 Life is a domino effect.If one thing is out of place, others will follow. For the last 2 months, we have been nagging our doctors to write their medical notes. Once they are written, they need to be cross checked by date and then filed away. Since my staff of 5 is now a staff of 2, there is more work per person. After much prodding, most of them have sent their paperwork to me. Now instead of filing 45 papers daily, I have a stack of about 1000 papers. If the papers are not in the charts, we do not pay the doctors for the services. I will take as long to file them as I waited to get them.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Happy Birthday

Today is my granddaughter's fourth birthday. The years have flown by. Last year I missed her birthday party because I planned a vacation not knowing the weekend of her celebration. I swore that I would never miss another party. This year there is no party. Life has taken an odd course and all parties were cancelled. They are now virtual events. When I look at her, I see myself at four. I had the same light blonde hair, blue eyes and fair skin. I see myself and her father in her beautiful face. She is packed full of personality and lights up the room. She is smart and funny. I can't wait to visit her and her sister when this mess is over.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Cinco De Mayo

Today is Cinco De Mayo. It's also Taco Tuesday. The stars have aligned and both days have finally met. The celebrations will be smaller and less noisy but they will still go on. The only odd thing is that mt sister's sombreros are nowhere to be found. They are always put in the same place and taken out for celebrations. This year they have gone MIA. She searched and searched to no avail. So now there will be sombrero-less Cinco De Mayo. Maybe the hats felt sick and went to the Mayo clinic.

Monday, May 4, 2020


Yesterday my kalimba arrived. Two weeks ago I did not know what a kalimba was. It is a small hand held wooden instrument that is also called a thumb piano. Mine has 17 tines and sounds almost like a harp. It is relaxing to play and so far with the exception of Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star, I have played a mish mosh of sounds that sound like heavenly music. I sat for a long time yesterday just strumming the metal rods and creating soothing music. I couldn't put it down. My new goal is to learn how to play songs on it.

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Scared Straight

Years ago there was an experimental program that the school system used for teenagers. It was called "Scared Straight". It took teenagers into a jail to see what the reality of incarceration was. They saw inmates caged like animals, yelling vile things to them. Each child was then put into a cell and the door was slammed shut. They felt the horror of what they could expect if they did not abide by society's rules. We now need a program called "Scared Smart". It should be directed at the ignorant people who do not listen to the government's guidelines for Covid 19. If you drive into the boroughs of New York City, many people in certain areas are not listening. They are congregating in the streets, unmasked, partying like nothing is going on in the world. Other groups are having funerals with hundreds of people, ignoring the police who are trying to break it up. The scared smart program needs to have people watch a mandatory documentary of one day in the ER and one in the ICU. They need to see the horror of death and suffering to understand that their actions can lead to this for themselves and other people. They need to see the reality of their unconscionable behavior. Most people are giving up their jobs and freedom to keep the numbers down, while these dimwits are undoing what we are trying so hard to achieve.

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Let's Move On

I am tired of the way things are. I know it is necessary to keep us healthy, but I would like to adjust a few things. I want to change the words "Socially Distant" to "Socially Conscious Spacing". I think that we are moving away from the horror of the last few weeks and need to distant ourselves from negative language. The time we are spending apart is the right thing to do, but as human beings we need to have something positive in our future. The schools in this area are closed until the end of the term. With the numbers declining, I feel that adding another 60 days onto home schooling is a bit rash. That is more time than it took to treat the most devastating part of the pandemic. There is a lot we can safely do for our children from 6 feet apart. In my opinion, while home schooling is the law, there are ways to add humanity to it. With spring and summer on the way, why can't we have some creativity thrown into the mix? Here is my plan and some of you might totally disagree, but in America I have the right to voice my opinion. If a school class has 25 children, divide it up into 5 sub groups. Each day of the week, in good weather, that sub group goes to someone's backyard for one hour. The children can sit 6 feet apart in a semi circle and the "house mother”  can teach a lesson. For elementary school, the mothers are capable of that. Teach ten spelling words, read a book, teach a math problem, teach a social studies lesson. Do that for 30 minutes. For the next 10 minutes, do exercises.  Run in place, stretch and do a few jumping jacks. Another ten minutes for juice and cookies. The last ten is for a group discussion. Kids love to talk. Have a topic that would spark a discussion. This plan would be structured in a socially conscious spaced environment. Mental health is also important and by separating our children for an additional 60 days, you are continuing to instill fear and isolation. It is time to be creative in a safe way.

Friday, May 1, 2020

Hare to Snail

I used to be a hare. I would move at a fast pace to get everything done in a timely manner. Now I am a snail. I move slower to not get everything done so quickly. I have all day and in fact all week and all month. Today I will go food shopping. I used to go out early. I have all day to go and since there is not much else to do in a pandemic, why rush to the store? I will space the day to make it seem full. I will eat breakfast, then finish a craft and maybe sew a new mask from a pattern I saw online. When all of that is finished, I will venture out to the store. By the time I get home, I will putter around the house until dinner. If the sun was out I would have sat in my yard listening to the birds. Moving slower is not a bad thing. Like anything else, once you adjust it becomes second nature.