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I am a life coach and motivational speaker.

Thursday, July 9, 2020


There comes a time when precaution turns into obsession. Precaution is normal concern. Obsession is faulty thinking concern. Since the pandemic, people have aligned themselves by their mindset. There are the laid back, the normal, the precautious normal and the obsessive. Either end of the spectrum is not good. The laid back make it dangerous for all of us. The obsessive make it hard for themselves. I hear a lot about preexisting conditions, but in reality, the virus is an equal opportunity problem. I have seen sick people go through it well and healthy people suffer. Most people have some kind of preexisting condition, whether it is heart, lung, blood pressure, diabetes or cancer. If you are over 50 years old, you probably have more than one. I have two. At some point you have to cautiously resume living. If not, you are preventing yourself from living. Being holed up away from civilization is not healthy either. Your body remains safe but your mind is at risk. Totally separating from other people and the world at large, waiting for a cure, is like handing over your life to a silent enemy. Wear a mask, keep your hands clean, socially distance and then start to resume your life.

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