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I am a life coach and motivational speaker.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013


I received my Verizon bill today and it was much higher than usual. I called them and asked why the bill was so high. The first representative said that he was a bit confused by the bill and reading it was hard. If it was hard for him, what should I say. He is a trained Verizon employee. On page 3 of 12, I found an error. I had a new box delivered to me and they charged $19.99. They never said there was going to be a charge, so the representative removed it. By that time, I had spent 45 minutes on the phone and needed to take a mental health break. I thanked him for his time and said I would call back later to continue "the hunt". Two hours later I resumed the call with a more mature representative. She scrolled through the 12 pages and found out what was incorrect. It seems that there used to be quad play and I was downgraded to double play and charged separately for the other two services. We compromised on triple play with one add on and the bill is now $4 less than previously. At the end of the call, I told her that I now understood the Senate and why they are disgusted with the Obamacare bill. This was another example of moronic rhetoric that no one can understand or read. It is just a bunch of senseless words in page order.

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