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I am a life coach and motivational speaker.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Negative Talk

With all that is going on in the world, why can't people stop their negativity and focus on a positive solution. I have unfollowed a few family members because their comments and rants have become too disturbing to read. People are dying and they are criticizing our government. Government is not made up of one person. It takes teams and committees of people to pass laws and legislation. Prior to the virus, the economy was thriving like never before. Was that poor leadership? Was the notion that America needed to be self sufficient wrong? We see now that by outsourcing to other countries, the previous administration put us in danger. I never knew we outsourced our pharmaceutical ingredients. Now I do and I understand even more why America needs to manufacture as much as we can on our own soil. Anyone who disagrees with that needs to look at what is happening now. People that make up funny nicknames for our leaders need to take a look at their own lives. How are you doing? How have you lived your life? Are you helping yourself or are you crying about what you don't have, yet doing nothing about it? Have you ever volunteered and given your time selflessly to others? Have you led an honest life? Stop your nonsense and close your mouth. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

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