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I am a life coach and motivational speaker.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Gift of Music

One of the owners of the office I work for has been sick for a long time. He is an elderly man and has had a few strokes over the past years. As much as his wife tries to keep her household normal, there comes a time when you have to face reality. This week she realized that he can no longer sleep in a regular bed and needs an electric hospital bed. The only problem was that she now needs to rearrange her living room furniture to accommodate the bed. The only place it will fit is where a beautiful organ was. I was never aware of either of them playing the organ but it was a beautiful piece of furniture. I started making calls to see where I could donate the organ. I called a few places that did not accept furniture donations. I called the Salvation Army and was told that all of their trucks were delivering relief goods due to Hurricane Sandy and that no pick up trucks would be available for at least two weeks. Then I got bright idea. I would call the local high school and ask them if they would like the organ. I called the main office and asked for the music department. The secretary said she would take a message for the music director. I started to tell her my message..."This is Susan from Dr. N's office and I would like to donate an organ to the school". She said "Why are you calling here, this isn't a hospital". I said I knew it was a school and I though it would be nice to donate the organ to them. Then she laughed and said, "I thought you meant a kidney or liver. You said you were from a doctor's office and wanted to donate an organ." We both laughed and she said she would forward the message.

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