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I am a life coach and motivational speaker.

Saturday, April 20, 2019


Being lost is a terrible feeling. It is bad enough being lost while driving in a car. It is worse being lost while traveling in an unfamiliar area by foot. Since my sister is going away this morning, I decided to have my father stay in Brooklyn last night and I will be getting him early this morning to have Passover dinner and sleep over. That meant that I needed an aide to be with him yesterday. His regular aide could not stay so another aide was hired for the day. It was a last minute change for her and instead of going to my father's house and taking a cab to dialysis, she was told to meet him there. The location of dialysis is on the other side of the borough and traveling there is not easy. She took a few buses and a train and was totally lost. I have never met her since she is a one day replacement but I had her telephone number. When I called her to see where she was, I could hear her voice quivering, almost in tears. She said that she had been traveling for hours and was so discouraged as she had no idea where she was. I asked her for the street she was on and I knew how to get her to the correct address. I told her I would stay on the phone with her until she got there and walk her through it. Together, we walked block by block with me asking if she passed Walgreens, then the bank, then the Outback restaurant. As she was walking past Auto Zone, I told her that the next building was the dialysis center. She was so relieved. She arrived just as my father was finished and walking out. It took a team to get her there but she arrived safely.

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