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I am a life coach and motivational speaker.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Life's Menu

There are two types of menus. One is "have it your way" and the other is "no substitutions". We can't always have it our way and sometimes we need to adhere to no substitutions. We have a patient that lives in a foreign country and my boss wants him to relocate here for a few months for treatment. She wants him to get an F-1 Visa so he can stay as a student. First you need to be accepted into a college, then get an I-20 certificate then an F-1 Visa. Those are the rules, no substitutions. The problem is that the patient is 17 years old with no high school diploma. How can he be accepted into college if he has dropped out of high school? She thinks that he can take one college class and be considered a college student and qualify for the visa. She thinks she can have it her way, but every school says there are no substitutions. I could have told her the answer before I called three colleges, but I have learned over the years to make the calls, get people's names and blame the answer on them.

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