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I am a life coach and motivational speaker.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

You Reap

There is an old saying from the Bible that you reap what you sow. For some reason, we are forgetting that and blaming a bad crop for the seeds that were not sowed. If I light a match and burn down my house, is the match to blame? If I drive while intoxicated and hit a tree, is the tree at fault? If I put on a blindfold and hit my finger while trying to hammer a nail, is the nail wrong? Of course these examples seem silly. Let me give you two more. If I rob a convenience store, fight to take away an officer's gun, punch him in the face and charge at him, is it his fault that I am killed? If I sell something illegally, argue with the police, resist arrest and fight with officers 1/2 my size, thrashing myself around while knowing I have health conditions, is the officer to blame if I die? That is what America is facing this week. The bottom line is not race. It is being a criminal and having no respect for authority. If each man would have been calm and let the officer do his job, they would be alive today. I take offense to our politicians who vilify the law and praise the criminal. Shame on them. These officers did not look at color. They looked at behavior. Stop the protests and go home and teach your children respect and honesty.

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