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I am a life coach and motivational speaker.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Speaking My Mind

I always remember my mother telling me that the things she said at eighty years old could never have been said at sixty years old. You can get away with certain statements once you are old enough to not care. Yesterday I became old enough to not care. I always buy holiday gifts for certain doctors. My receptionist and I chip in. We get for five of the more established doctors, who give us gifts, and the three receptionists. This year without telling me, my friend gave to three of the newer doctors. Had she mentioned it, I would have chipped in too. She never told me what she was going to do, so I was blindsighted when three young doctors ran into the office to hug her and thank her. I was so embarrassed because it looked like I either forgot them or was just plain cheap. When the girls left the room, I asked my friend how she could do that to me. I never would have given any gifts to other people without telling her. She started to make excuses and that is when I told her to stop talking to me and get out of the room. I never speak like that, but that was how I felt, so I am now at the age where I do not have to hide it. I ignored her all day and I knew that I ruined the holiday party for her. Next time she will know to never go behind my back and do something that will make me look bad.

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