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I am a life coach and motivational speaker.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Super Hero

There are many superheros. There is Superman, Batman, Spiderman, Wonder Woman and many more. I have decided to become a new Super Hero. I will call myself "The Reprimander". I will travel the world reprimanding contractors and home improvement people. While they do their job well, they are lacking in skills that are necessary for having complete customer satisfaction. I had to reprimand my bathroom contractor for never showing up on time. The time issue seems to be a common one when it comes to many contractors. The ones that come on time have other issues. While my painter was punctual, he ran in and out every few hours. I can't say for sure, but I think I smelled beer when he came back. The floor men seemed to be normal thinking homosapiens but that was until I went upstairs at night to go to sleep. I paid them to move my furniture out of the house so the rooms would be empty. They put the living room, dining room and foyer furniture in the garage, but they moved the two small bedroom furniture sets into my room. It looked like a hoarder's house and was a fire hazard. He blocked off the bathroom, dresser and night stand. The coup d'gras was when he placed the wall unit in front of the air conditioner on an 82 degree day. I called him up, furious. I  asked if he had any common sense or spatial relation knowledge. I had an empty wall on the right side. Why put everything on the left side and block all things that are necessary for a person to stay in the room. He offered to come and rearrange the furniture at 9pm but I said no. We did it ourselves. I looked at the room, looked at the furniture and placed it so everything was accessible, including the air conditioner. Why couldn't he have done that? Did I need to reprimand him like he was a child? By this weekend things should be back to normal and I can hang up my superhero cape.

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