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I am a life coach and motivational speaker.

Saturday, April 7, 2012


For the past few weeks, my boss has been asking me to set up a Twitter account. I do not think that she has any understanding of what Twitter is. For some reason, she thinks that it will be a magical marketing devise. I set up the account and realized that I had nothing to tweet about. As I studied what people tweet, I noticed that it is the most wasteful way that someone can spend their time. Celebrities only tweet about their upcoming events or what great new product they are using. They are probably being paid thousands of dollars for tweeting the product name. I do not really care what shoes you wore that day, who is eating a chocolate muffin and have no idea who decided that the #, @ and RT signs should have any meaning to me. I told my boss that I am refusing to tweet about our office because it is unprofessional. If she wants to tweet she can do her own chirping.

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