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I am a life coach and motivational speaker.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

In The Nick Of Time

A few months ago I sent $75 to a woman I casually knew to reserve a spot in a craft fair. I had worked at one of her fairs before and she was not the easiest person to work with but I did not plan on having anything to do with her except for setting up a table at a park. On the day of the fair, I arrived to find that there was no fair. I called "Terry" and she said she cancelled it due to a poor vendor response. I asked for my money back and she said she would mail it that day. One week later I did not have it. I called her and she got a bit nasty and did not know why I wanted my "paltry" $75 back. She said she would send it. Four weeks later it still was not sent. She kept promising and then began to lie about it saying it was lost in the mail. I would have gone to small claims court but I only had her PO Box number and the court needs a street address. I thought and I thought. How could I get my money back. Then a light bulb went off in my head. POSTAL FRAUD. Accepting money through the mail and not providing the service is illegal. I called the post office mail fraud department and they sent me a form to fill out. They would then investigate and send "Terry" a letter demanding she return the money or she would be in trouble with the federal government. Just because I am a nice person, I emailed Terry and gave her one last chance to make good on sending me the check. I never mentioned what I would be doing otherwise. I had the form all filled out and ready to mail. I gave myself a deadline of July 28th. If I did not get my check, I was sending out the form. After 6 weeks, many emails and many lies, guess what arrived in the mail on the 28th? A money order for $75. "Terry" never knew how close she came to a federal investigation. It was her lucky day.

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