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I am a life coach and motivational speaker.

Monday, November 14, 2016


I am not on Facebook. I never was. I see no need to have "virtual" relationships or see pictures of people I am not close to. In yesterday's Newsday, there was an article about people unfriending other people after the election. If common political views were not shared between friends, the "Unfriend" button was used to sever relationships. America is a Democracy. If we were all forced to vote for the same person or afforded no vote at all, we would be living in Communism. If you feel that you and you alone are allowed to have an opinion, you are living in the wrong country. If a one man, no discussion government is what you want, move to North Korea. Now that Cuba is open to travel, a mere 90 miles from the US coastline can bring you to a place where there are no political debates or discussions. The issue is, that when people unfriend others, it is a cut that goes deep. It is saying that "If you do not agree with me, you are not worth having in my life". Maybe you never really were friends at all. One line in the Newsday article said that the person who unfriended her Facebook friend would reevaluate at a later date. That made me laugh. Does she really think that anyone who she unfriended would ever want to forge a friendship again? Once the unfriend button was hit, you relinquished the privilege of reevaluation.

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