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I am a life coach and motivational speaker.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Is It OK?

Every time I use my charge card in a supermarket or large retail store, the card machine asks me the same stupid question. After I slide my card and I choose the Credit option, the annoying question appears. "Is this amount OK"? I can press green for yes or red for no. I always press green, but that is not the problem. I do not like the question. While the total of my purchase is correct, it is not OK. There is a difference. A box of cereal for $4.99 isn't OK with me, but if I want to eat it, I have no choice. Prices are over inflated and product sizes are shrinking. I remember when a can of tuna fish fed 2 people. It was a 7ounce can. While the size of the can is the same, now it only contains a bit over 5 ounces. Barely enough to fill a cavity. So I must make 2 cans for my son, doubling the price of lunch. I am spending more and getting less. I used to think that my appetite had increased, when I was still hungry after having a sandwich. Then I realized why. Bumble Bee has decided to covertly ration what I eat. I now stock up on every sale item and have a pantry that is so full someone else can do their weekly shopping in my basement. Is that OK?

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