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I am a life coach and motivational speaker.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Shifting Gears

I have been driving a car since I am 17 years old. I have been a passenger in cars forever. There is one major difference between how men and women drive. It revolves around the gear shift. When women drive and the light goes from yellow to red, we put our foot on the brake and slow down until we stop. Some men have a whole different ritual. They slow to a stop and then shift the car into neutral. Some even go further by engaging the emergency brake. When the light turns green, women put their foot on the gas and go. Men need to un-engage the emergency brake, shift into drive and then they go. I first noticed this way of driving, years ago, when my father-in-law did it. He believed it would extend his brake life. It didn't. Next I saw it with my husband. Lately I have noticed it with other people. Maybe men are fantasizing about the Indianapolis 500. That is the difference between men and women. We like to get tp the point in the most efficient way. They like to spin their wheels.

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