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I am a life coach and motivational speaker.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Time Repeats

In the past few years, my friends have achieved wonderful milestones. They have passed from the role of parent, to grandparent. Along with this change comes memories of our own grandparents. Even though we are only one generation down the line, the world has changed so much. It got us to talking. Thinking about the special time we spent with our own grandparents. Doing simple things that meant the world to us. Sitting and coloring. Playing cards. I will never forget playing the card game "War" with my grandma. Card games, in those years, were the video games, of these years. My friends and I reminisced about watching television with our grandparents. In those days there was a show called "The Million Dollar Movie". It was on channel 13. It was a movie that re ran every day for a week. In the middle of the movie was an intermission. That's when music was played and the audience was asked to sing along. A white dot and song lyrics appeared on the TV screen. The announcer told you to follow the bouncing ball as the music played in the background. The ball would bounce over each word until it was time to move on to the next. The song "By The Light Of The Silvery Moon" will forever bring a smile to my face. I am hoping that when I am blessed with grandchildren they will fondly remember me for something so small, but so special.

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