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I am a life coach and motivational speaker.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

GASping At the Pump

When I went to work yesterday morning, the gas pump said $3.99/9. When I returned home yesterday afternoon, it said $4.03/9. What happened in those 6 hours that made the price jump? The answer is ...nothing. We are being taken advantage by the Middle Eastern oil prices and an ignorant government. The price of oil in the Middle East is about 25 cents a gallon. Oil is abundant. The other day, I was watching our President make a speech, which in my opinion was geared more towards his election, than America's well being. He said that there is a way to get oil prices down to $2.50 a gallon. He said the Republicans are pushing to do it, but it means we need to ...and he said this, with the most arrogant tone.... dig, dig, dig. Ok, why aren't we digging, then. We have the resources, we have the man power and we have the oil on American property. Why in the world aren't we digging? He made it sound like a sin, to dig for your own oil. If the people that we purchase oil from, dig for it, why won't we? The Republicans will dig. The Democrats want us to dig, but only into our pockets, to find the money to pay the inflated oil prices at the pumps.

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