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I am a life coach and motivational speaker.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Accidents Will Happen

Sometimes accidents happen. We have to learn to separate our emotions from our intellect when they do. Today, the cable company came to install telephone, internet and television service, in my son's home. A very nice woman arrived, right on time, and said the job would be no problem. Midway through the morning she realized that she had to go into the attic to attach wires. She was a large stature woman and going through a closet opening would not be easy. Picture Santa Claus going down the chimney. She shimmied up the passage way and within 3 minutes yelled, "Sir, I have a problem". My son ran to the bedroom and saw a foot through the ceiling. I thought he would faint. He has spent the last five months pouring his heart and soul into making everything perfect. After the installer spent about 5 minutes in the attic crying she came down and proceeded to cry on the front lawn.We called the cable company inspector and he arrived within an hour. He advised my son to have the ceiling fixed and submit the bill for reimbursement. The woman installer continued to hook up the rest of the services. When she was done I walked her to the door and gave her a $20 tip. She asked "How can I take this. I ruined your ceiling? "I told her that just because an accident happened, does not mean she did not work hard. She cried again as she took the tip and left. Accidents happen. Our attitude reflects how we handle them.

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