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I am a life coach and motivational speaker.

Thursday, October 6, 2011


Is it just me, or has anyone else noticed that people don't listen to what you say? Lately, when I speak to someone, either professionally or in my personal life, no one listens. They hear 50% of what I say. The annoying part, is that when they are questioned about it, they claim I never told them. I am tired of hearing the old "you never told me that" story. I started an experiment in work. As each patient called for information, I documented, word for word, what was said during our conversation. Needless to say, when they called back a week later, asking the same question, and were told the same answer, they said "that is not what you told me". I informed them that I had documented every bit of the previous conversation. Somehow their memory was jogged a bit and I was told "that sounds familiar". Are people day dreaming through life, filtering things out as they go? When I give a sandwich order in the deli, why do they make it wrong, 1/2 the time? How hard is it to hone in on an order for 6 bagels? Why do I have to repeat it 4 times? Two sesame or three. As Judge Judy says, "put on your listening ears".

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