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I am a life coach and motivational speaker.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Changing Of The Guard

Today at noon we are having a pizza party. It is a party to say goodbye to last years interns and welcome to this years. We will have a lot of pizza and a lot of fun. The other thing that the interns will have is an education on how my office runs. I will politely inform them of my rules. The first one is that even though you are the doctor, without the front staff's cooperation, you will not have an easy year. Rule number one is that when you come in every day, your first stop is the front office, where you will say hello and ask how everyone is. This is a common courtesy and is expected of you. You are not to walk by and run into your office. You are to speak to the front staff the same way you speak to the other doctors. We are all the same here. If you are upset about something, tell us. More likely than not, we can help you. Our jobs may differ, but we are all the same. They will learn very quickly that the front office is the gate keeper. We can make it easy or difficult. Your attitude towards us is the determining factor. In the 10 years that I have managed the office, everyone has listened to my rules and has had a wonderful year. They are sad to leave because they know it will be hard to find another office that will be so caring towards them. They start as interns, but leave as friends.

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