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I am a life coach and motivational speaker.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Air Quality

Everyday most of us surround ourselves with many people. Some are friends, some are co workers and the rest are just random individuals we encounter in an anonymous way. I breakdown these people into three categories: The Air Fresheners, the Regular Airs and the Air Suckers. Lets start with the Air Fresheners. I love this category. The minute they walk into a room it is like a burst of fresh air has blown in. It has nothing to do with they way the smell, but with the aura they bring with them. I equate them to flowers and plants. They bring with them, more oxygen. They are easy to be with and make the encounter pleasurable. It is almost like a high. You breathe easy. The Regular Airs are just that. It is like breathing. You don't really think about it, it just happens. Now I come to the Air Suckers. The minute they walk into the room the air is sucked out. They drain every particle, until you feel like you are going to black out. It is almost like a hand covering your mouth. You can no longer breathe.The funny thing is that the Air Suckers have no idea they are doing this. They do not even realize that they are suffocating the life out of everyone they come in contact with. I hope when I walk into a room people think I am a breath of fresh air.

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