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I am a life coach and motivational speaker.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Broadway Lullaby

I arrived at my parent's condominium yesterday. I seem to have brought the cold, New York weather with me. Living in a Florida condominium community, is like living in no other place in the world. It is comprised of people who are mostly over 70 years old. They have worked for most of their lives and feel that they have earned the right to have the day run their way. With this, they have brought with them a very humorous way of living. I am a voyeur, when I am here. I silently watch what goes on and laugh to myself. Take last night for example. It started off at the diner. The food is good and plentiful and the prices are reasonable. The only thing wrong, is the nasty hostess. The people tell the hostess their name and she puts it on the list.She then gives then a nasty look and tells them to go outside and wait. As they walk outside to wait their turn, each person passes me by and says "what a bitch". We eat our meal and head on to the theater. We then wait to park, as the cars ahead of us slowly empty out their passengers. I mean slowly. Half of them stop getting out of the car and start to talk to each other. They do not care that they are clogging traffic. Let them wait. We enter the lobby and all of the people are talking about last night's show. Depending on who you were talking to, the comedian was either hilarious or terrible. The theater doors open and everyone finds their seats, but no one sits down. They scan the theater to see who is also there. Their necks are like owls, literally turning 360 degrees. Then I hear the "roll call".  "There's Fred". "Where"? "There". "Where"? "Next to Norma". "Oh, now I see him". 'There's Lenny"? "Where"? "There." "Who is he with"? "I can't see". "Why is Judy sitting in the front"? "How did she get those seats"? The lights dim, and the announcer comes out. "Welcome to the world famous Palace Theater". The lady behind me shouts out "cut the shit about the world famous theater." Her husband says "shhh" and the man next to him says "the announcer is new." His wife replies "he is not new, he just lost weight." The show starts, and it was very entertaining. I even ignored the wrong words to the songs. I was probably the only one that heard, "Give my regards to Broadway. Remember me to HArold square." So, Herald was now Harold. No one noticed but me. After the show, back out int the lobby, the people gave their reviews. "I loved it". "I hated it." "The costumes were beautiful." "The costumes were gaudy." I just stood there and smiled. I was there with my 88 year old parents. I could have been watching an egg fry and be happy.

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