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I am a life coach and motivational speaker.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Park or Ship

Sometimes, when we decided to do an activity, or make a purchase, the agreed upon price looks great. That is, until you get to the bottom line. Usually the bottom line includes either parking or shipping. When you are in a resort town, many times there is not easy street parking. You are forced to put the car into a parking lot. The lot owners know this and some of them take advantage. Yesterday I saw fees as high as $48. That is more than Manhattan. Well, there is no way that I am paying that. I drove around until I found the price I wanted, $10 for the day. If I am persistent, I usually find what I want. The next type of fee I hate to pay is for shipping. If I buy and item for $4, why would I pay $7.95 to ship it. I know that the postage is only about $2 and how hard could it be to "handle" this small item? I handle things every day and never came across one item that was so big that I needed to be paid, to handle it. If the item I want does not come with a shipping price I like, I cancel the transaction. I hate to pay for extra things that are not tangible.

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